supergun to component or svideo


Mid Boss
supergun yuv/s-video aes yuv/vga ?


I got a new projector

i was wondering because it sync's down low enough for a supergun but will only accept the signal in yuv or svideo it looks like so...

also composite for the neo-geo looks like crap on a 200" screen(looks awesome though through laptop emu's through vga) is there any way to get it to component , vga or dvi-d ?
Hi ;) ,

Great question.

Yes,There is no substitute for a huge screen.

I also like modding etc and have 3 projectors.

I know what you mean by component video and how awsome it is.

I also have a good freind who mods aswell.

So far we have been able to run a Neo Geo 1 slot without any supergun what so ever and directly to the tv.

The quality is amazing.

In fact any Jamm pcb now works and doesnt require a supergun.

With the Neo Geo i dont think it will be easy getting component video,I also wanted to do this with the Saturn as it has a high deffantion mode somewhere.

The native Neos output is not component so i guess that you will need to get an adapter which externally manipulates the image from svhs or rgb into component.

Check out www.licksang for some very good items.

On a similar note i ahve teh Dreamcast and Gamecube running on a 21"VGA monitor.

Also with the infocus range of projectors i ahve found a way of getting 2000 hrs use for £6($10).

I did this by taking the original bulb out and replacing with 100 what halogen bulb and separate transformer which powers the bulb.

The quality is just as good and saves a fortune.I had to use a Playstation heatsink on the back of the projector which works a treat.

I hope you succeed,

I once had r-type on the pc engine running on the side of somebodys house when we had some snow.

The r9 ship was as big as his front pation windows?


Hi Mal,

G :D :D D to hear from you.

Thanks for the post.

Thats great info.

Will make shure i take note.

How is the Saturn gaming going Mal?.

Radiant silver gun is so awsome,I had it running on an LCD projector.

Mega brilliant shooting on an awsome scale.


Couldn't you just run the red,green and blue signals into a vga or dvi cable and then hook sync to the composite video line? I guess the problem here would be telling it take sync from here instead of the vga connector.....hmm.maybe you could tie composite sync/video to both the horizontal/vertical lines and hope that it will accept 15khz instead of 31khz over the vga connector.Maybe a sync stripper is in order here if the neo-geo doesn't output composite sync,that is if your projector can't strip it itself.BTW i envy you and your projector although it must of cost an arm and a leg :D
Sorry I forgot about this post .

I havent had any luck yet , im thinking of getting a europian version of this projector its the exact same thing but with 9 pin rgb and scart i think .

Croft explain to me what you did with the bulb ..maybe when mine burns out itll help .

Darklegion I got it from a websight called visiall apex for $1,730 msrp on it is $2,500 they had great customer service !