This is only a future plan...for killing a dog

Hum... landlords... it´s not the most apropiate deffinition. We live in a building with 28 flats. We are all owners of our flat, but, each year, a family is dessigned "Community president", this is not choosen by a concrete family, simply, you are president when it´s your turn... now, they are president of community, so, I only have the penal way, with cops, courts, etc... to attack them. But I think it´s a long and slow way... here, when a case of that type it´s judged, involved persons have been waiting two or more years. And really, I won´t wait for that.

Other thing... this post...
. No, it´s not a legal proof of my activity, anybody can do a post like this, even in my own computer. There are no proofs at this moment
, and, in this country, this kind of material it´s not considered by a court.

On the other hand... I´m not going to kill the dog directly, I´m going to loose a donuts, but, if the dog eats it, it´s not my problem...
I think you'll find that there is little difference between "intent to kill" and actual killing. Why else would you lay poisoned donuts around?

Don't do it dude, it'll be bad news for you and consider what it would do to the owners.
CHE if you dont stop this talk Ill ban you till it knocks some sense into you.. you wanna kill poor dogs. Ill just kill lame people. No difference. Also your IP is proof enough for anyone.
Wow !
OK, I´ll stop. No problem. And, this evening, I´m going to go to churh to pray for my soul, doomed only for thinking about murder.
Dont be sarcastic. I just hate people who even THINK about doing it... most people would and not think twice. You didnt post here and expect "OH wow CHE your cool!" "Yea CHE kill the damn thing"

Sorry if im so bitchy about this, but anyone with a loved pet will know my reasons.
Hee...don´t hate me so much. I love animals... don´t think I get pleasure killing things... I have killed rats and rabbits in experiments, but always putting a lot of care, and without hurting them at all.

I really love my two hamsters... and I probably would love that dog, with the correct owners. And weell... all of you have reason: the dog it´s not reponsible of its acts, etc... I´ll try to talk with the owners again.

Yesterday, I could sleep nothing, so, I woke up with dog-killing instinc.
Huum... you know.. bunnies and rats are funny and quiet animals... but they are necessarie stuff in experimental work... there is no other choice
... It would be worse do the work with people... and don´t do any kind of work would be the worst.

P.D: Wha ha ha !! fun smilie.
Hey CHE, I've got an idea.

Ever tried buying a headphone-like thingy to block your ears, so you can't hear the dog while you sleep? After all, probably you won't get a rope and tie the dog's mouth.

Now seriously, please don't try to kill it. Just think a child might get in the dog's way and eat the poisoned donut before it does. Or you might get poisoned yourself!

Sometimes things don't turn out as expected, think of that.

Well, I'd say, call the cops so they can help you, but don't try anything or you might regret later!

Good luck and take care,

Yes, yes, yes... to all people worried about the little dog... I´m not going to kill the creature... I simply passed a night without sleep because the continuous barking, so, the next day I woke up dispossed to kill the dog, the whole family, and the rest of the community.

I have talk again with them, and now, the animal is quiet, and I´m not nervous anymore.

I become angry very fast, but only a few moments or a whole day in extreme cases.
