Extra Hard Mid Boss
Originally posted by mal@Jan 30, 2004 @ 07:50 AM
What an absolute tool.
The tools are the people getting so emotional over a piece of hardware.
Originally posted by mal@Jan 30, 2004 @ 07:50 AM
What an absolute tool.
Originally posted by gameboy900@Jan 30, 2004 @ 01:45 AM
Meh I could care less about the Mac. It's like all that money and it still won't do everything I'd want.
As for proprietary software if Apple releases another iFucking this or that I will go over there and kill them. It's getting ridicuous. It's like everything they make now has to start with i.
I could go on and on raving about Apple this or Apple that, but we've done it so many times already it's getting quite boring.
Hell if I had the money (which I don't) I'd get that Mac. Take it up the CN Tower, snip a bit of the wire cage off and see what a Mac looks like freefalling over 400M to the ground. Hope nobody would be at the bottom at the time. (But then again I'd drop alot of stuff just to see it go splat from that high up.)
Also Mac's don't get as many viruses (they still get some) because NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT THEM. They'res just not enough of them out there to bother with. Windows is in 90+% of the PC's out there so a virus is likely to cause the most damage on them. If Apple was the leader then Macs would have a billion viruses made for them in an instant.