Translation projects...

since you can't really patch the game and even if you do it's not easy to run - you need chipp'd Saturn and not every Saturn can be mod'd plus country lockout issue as well since chip doesn't do a thing about it...

maybe when we have emlator that is close to 100% compatibility and runs on ordinary PC, not 1000GHz beast... 😛
There's a game patch that translates menu into English for Langrisser III ready to download here.

Ninpen Manmaru was also translated in English... but the guy who did this (AlexKidd, I think) disappeared and leaved no doc on how to do it :/

There seem to be also a project of Grandia translation which seemed to work a bit but it suddenly stopped :
I was really looking forward to the progress being made with Grandia, but he came up against a wall, and I think that was that.
A technical wall? Those are a bitch, yeah? Yeah, I know that playing them isn't easy, but there ARE ways to play them, and patching them... well... is like patching games for another system, no?

There's plenty out there to do... I guess the emulator is the first step.
Originally posted by mal@Tue, 2004-11-09 @ 11:09 PM

Snatcher maybe? 😉

[post=123340]Quoted post[/post]​

We haven't really talked about a title yet, but snatcher probably won't happen because we'd need someone with really good ASM hacking skills to replace the font. That was a main problem the last time. Plus, as much as I want to see Snatcher on the saturn translated, there are already 2 english translations out (sega cd and MSX) so maybe something not in english already? 🙂
Just a note: We are probably going to work on a Langrisser game, though I translated a chunk of the Policenauts menu system last night.

Still nothing is set in stone
Originally posted by SkankinMonkey@Wed, 2004-11-10 @ 12:23 PM

Just a note: We are probably going to work on a Langrisser game

Lots 'o' text there. The one good thing about Langrisser games, is if they're dumped properly, they're easy to divide amongst translators.
Originally posted by GaijinPunch@Wed, 2004-11-10 @ 07:59 PM

Lots 'o' text there. The one good thing about Langrisser games, is if they're dumped properly, they're easy to divide amongst translators.

[post=123434]Quoted post[/post]​

Unfortunatly there's only one me right now. :damn:
I suspect dividing translations is a mixed bag. On one hand you spread out the workload, on the other hand without a strong editing process you probably risk ending up with something like the FFT tutorial ("Choose 'Save fading life' from the menu...")
There's definitely two sides to it. Unless you've translated an entire RPG by yourself, you don't really know what you're up against. It really doesn't depend on your Japanese level -- depends on your translation level, which is a different thing, unfortunately.

I actually did about two chapters of Langrisser 2 for Hiryuu Honyaku ages ago. It wasn't my best work, but they had someone overseeing the project that could work the kinks out. I'd say for an RPG, it's best done as a 3-4 man translating crew, with the head translator being not necessarily the most proficient in both languages, but definitely the one that knows the game inside and out. Yeah, it'll have a few problems with it, but how many translation projects have died mid-way b/c the 1 or 2 guys that attempt it can't finish? Lots (unfortuantely).
First results ....

(Hopefully it will be more)



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Originally posted by Reinhart@Mon, 2004-11-22 @ 11:19 PM

First results ....

(Hopefully it will be more)


[post=124287]Quoted post[/post]​

Nice work :thumbs-up: but what is that game ? :blush: