
Office Depot is gonna be in some serious shit here...

Ban all felt tip pens now!

I'm sure they never thought of that when they passed the DCMA.
in america the politicians are 90% for there own wallet and 10% for the ppl. only place on earth its legal to bribe to the party in power with "campaign" contributions. isn't it great to llive in a country where we got laws but the silly american ones don't apply.
isn't it great to llive in a country where we got laws but the silly american ones don't apply.

One of the major reasons that DMCA was passed was to implement the WIPO Copyright Treaty.

Article 11

Obligations concerning

Technological Measures

Contracting Parties shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by authors in connection with the exercise of their rights under this Treaty or the Berne Convention and that restrict acts, in respect of their works,

which are not authorized by the authors concerned or permitted by law.

The "Contracting Parties" include the United States of America as well as Japan, two countries that derive no small amount of money from export of "intellectual property". Don't be surprised if pressure is exerted on your own government to get similar provisions put into place ("for the good of the artists", of course).
Originally posted by gamefoo21@May 18 2002,08:41

in america the politicians are 90% for there own wallet and 10% for the ppl. only place on earth its legal to bribe to the party in power with "campaign" contributions. isn't it great to llive in a country where we got laws but the silly american ones don't apply.

its true for politics all over the world, just look how insane the so called "nice guy" tony blair went during the fuel protests, He did his best to incriminate and villainise the protesters and was furious that the people were behind the demonstrators. During the "rolling roadblock" protests people going down the other side of the road were honking their horns and pulling wheelies 🙂 Tony's face was priceless...
In germany the reviews are that some new music cds have VIRUSES on them that kill your computer and is not detected by AV. Thats also in courts here.