Sakura Wars: Columns 2 (English Translation Patch)

(UPDATED TO v1.2) Announcing the release of my team's English translation patch for "Sakura Wars: Columns 2"! 1.2

derek (ateam)

Pluto Supporter
Well folks, the day is finally here! I proudly present to you, the fine members of this forum and the incredible lovers of SEGA's swan song console, v1.0 (edit: now at v1.2) of my team's English translation patch for "Sakura Wars - Columns 2!"


This patch is fully translated and polished end-to-end. You can find a full readme here:

Please note that this patch also ships with a fully 100% unlocked save, as well as all DLC, available for download directly from the game menu itself. At the very least, I highly suggest you copy the full save to your VMU, as this game locks away over half of its content by default. Refer to the above linked readme for instructions.

This patch ships with its own custom patching utility that I whipped up. If you prefer patching your own GDI, please follow the instructions in the linked readme above. Alternatively, I have supplied the pre-patched (i.e. already patched) GDI and CDI images below.


Standalone Patch (v1.2)
For use with Universal Dreamcast Patcher.

Patched GDI (v1.2)
531.54 MB file on MEGA

Patched CDI (v1.2)
718.06 MB file on MEGA
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Anybody else having problems getting GDI to boot ?
I've tried the pre-patched GDI as well as one patched by myself.

Unmodified japanese GDI boots in Flycast, patched just boots to Dreamcast menu, if trying to boot from there it prompts me to insert a game disc.
Idk, maybe I'm doing something wrong ?
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Thank you very much for this Derek, it just so happens this is a fantastic game to boot. There's a shocking amount of depth here and trying to figure out all this shit in Japanese would've been a nightmare. Ended up getting bodied by the CPU in my first match. 😳

And yeah, had the same issue as Flupper at first on Flycast. Took me a hot minute to realize I left the HLE bios toggled off for another game.
Thank you very much for this Derek, it just so happens this is a fantastic game to boot. There's a shocking amount of depth here and trying to figure out all this shit in Japanese would've been a nightmare. Ended up getting bodied by the CPU in my first match. 😳

And yeah, had the same issue as Flupper at first on Flycast. Took me a hot minute to realize I left the HLE bios toggled off for another game.

Thank you! Yes, it really is a fantastic game. In my opinion, it's the ultimate way to enjoy Columns. I've always had an affinity for puzzle games, but never really played any Columns games until I started this project. With practice, I became pretty close to an expert. I have beaten every mode with every character multiple times, in fact. As you can imagine, this was a requirement for thorough testing.

Anyway, keep at it and you'll be getting better in no time! Also, be sure to take advantage of the fully unlocked save so that you can enjoy all of the locked content!
A big thanks to the Dreamcast Junkyard for the coverage:
Sakura Wars Columns 2 has been Translated into English!

Also, a big thanks to SEGAbits for the trailer video they whipped up:
...and the article they posted:
Sakura Wars: Columns 2 English Fan Translation Patch now available to download

Can't forget SHIRO!
Sakura Wars: Columns 2 Dreamcast Fan Translation Has Been Released!

And also Comabat Revue Review:
Fan Translation Patch for Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 Released - The Combat Revue Review

Not to mention SEGA Driven:
English Language Patch for Dreamcast Game ‘Sakura Wars Columns 2’ Released

And also Otaku Freaks (Spanish language article):
Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 (Sakura Wars: Columns 2) de Sega Dreamcast traducido al inglés

Can't forget RetroRGB:
Sakura Wars: Columns 2 - English Translation

And Ghaleon featured me and my team for a deep-dive interview on his "Found in Fanslation" podcast! Here is part 1 of 2:

And you can find the patch on now, too (thanks Danthrax):
Sakura Wars Columns 2

Lastly, I'm honored to have been featured on a full-length DreamPod episode from none other than the Dreamcast Junkyard:
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update the first post since that will be the one most people see first.
Speaking of, the resources section allows links for downloads rather then having to post them as well. This could be transformed into a resource download w/ this being the discussion thread instead while still maintaining the external links. Something to note @derek [u/ate4m] .
Speaking of, the resources section allows links for downloads rather then having to post them as well. This could be transformed into a resource download w/ this being the discussion thread instead while still maintaining the external links. Something to note @derek [u/ate4m] .

Thanks for the tip. I do have a resource page setup already, but also I'm linking to my own patched GDI/CDI for those who want it, which I won't do in the SX resource page. I'll update the top-post to point to the resource, instead.
derek (ateam) updated Sakura Wars: Columns 2 (English Translation Patch) with a new update entry:

Updated to v1.2

.------------::[ v1.2 Release Notes ]::------------- | | Almost a year after the last update to this patch, I decided to deliver this | little v1.2 release to all the fans out there. The changes aren't massive, | but they address a few important things (in my opinion): | | -> Fixed typo in Kohran's victory message for "Shonen Red" mode. | -> Fixed character mood erroneously showing "HAPPY" when it should be | "GRUMPY". | -> Removed ISP-settings-check from built-in web...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Standalone Patch (v1.2)
For use with Universal Dreamcast Patcher.

Patched GDI (v1.2)
531.54 MB file on MEGA

Patched CDI (v1.2)
718.06 MB file on MEGA