derek (ateam)
Pluto Supporter
Who's ready for Dreamcast light gun kusoge goodness?
Here it is, our English translation patch for "Death Crimson 2: Altar of Melanito" on the SEGA Dreamcast!
You can download the patch at the link below, as well as check out the detailed readme.
I strongly suggest everyone interested in playing this consults the readme! There's A LOT of important and useful information there!
GitHub - DerekPascarella/DeathCrimson2AltarofMelanito-EnglishPatchDreamcast: English translation patch for the Sega Dreamcast game "Death Crimson 2".
English translation patch for the Sega Dreamcast game "Death Crimson 2". - DerekPascarella/DeathCrimson2AltarofMelanito-EnglishPatchDreamcast
Death Crimson 2 - Altar of Melanito (English - v1.0) [GDI].zip

764.32 MB file on MEGA
Death Crimson 2 - Altar of Melanito (English - v1.0).cdi

769.09 MB file on MEGA
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