I own several Sega Saturns. However, only one is modded. I used the wonderful chip sold here:
Scroll down to "Sega Saturn Modchip." I installed it with ease on the Model 2 32-pin IC Saturn as described here:
Now that I've gotten all of that out of the way, here is my problem. I have the Japanese Victor RG-VC3 VCD/Photo CD decoder card and have been using it for several years now on an UN-MODDED unit. Because I have an American Sega Saturn, I need to use an Action Replay/Gameshark device with it. VCDs playback beautifully and I could not be happier with it from that standpoint.
However, when I use it conjunction with a mod chip, the VCD card seems to somehow "blow out" the chip. Allow me to break it down:
When this first happened, I figured that there was some problem with having both the VCD card and mod chip in my system at once. I removed the VCD card only to find that my Saturn STILL wouldn't boot a single game or VCD/Photo CD. I tried Japanese, American and backups of both using the Action Replay and not using it. No combination worked. I then proceeded to open my unit and remove the ribbon cable going from the disc drive to the mod chip and plug it directly into the motherboard. American and Japanese games, as well as VCDs, work again.
Re-plugging-in the mod chip and removing the VCD card did not help. The mod chip became completely useless and so I ordered and installed another, which has worked without a problem. I want to try plugging the VCD card into my modded Saturn again to see what will happen, but playing VCDs on my Saturn isn't worth the risk of having to dish out another $30 on a mod chip. Keep in mind that when I plug the VCD card into my other, un-modded Saturn, it works flawlessly, just as it did after my old mod chip fried and I removed it.
So, any insight into why or how this may be occurring? Although I am a very proficient computer programmer, my knowledge of electronics and circuitry is limited. I thought perhaps the Saturn's power supply was reacting in such a way that it burned the mod chip when both it and the VCD card were present.
I don't expect much help on this, considering very few people have modded Saturns with VCD cards, I'm sure.
Thanks in advance 🙂
Scroll down to "Sega Saturn Modchip." I installed it with ease on the Model 2 32-pin IC Saturn as described here:
Now that I've gotten all of that out of the way, here is my problem. I have the Japanese Victor RG-VC3 VCD/Photo CD decoder card and have been using it for several years now on an UN-MODDED unit. Because I have an American Sega Saturn, I need to use an Action Replay/Gameshark device with it. VCDs playback beautifully and I could not be happier with it from that standpoint.
However, when I use it conjunction with a mod chip, the VCD card seems to somehow "blow out" the chip. Allow me to break it down:
- Mod chip is installed in unit.
- VCD card is present in unit.
- Console is powered on and boots to the Action Replay menu.
- Games will not boot.
When this first happened, I figured that there was some problem with having both the VCD card and mod chip in my system at once. I removed the VCD card only to find that my Saturn STILL wouldn't boot a single game or VCD/Photo CD. I tried Japanese, American and backups of both using the Action Replay and not using it. No combination worked. I then proceeded to open my unit and remove the ribbon cable going from the disc drive to the mod chip and plug it directly into the motherboard. American and Japanese games, as well as VCDs, work again.
Re-plugging-in the mod chip and removing the VCD card did not help. The mod chip became completely useless and so I ordered and installed another, which has worked without a problem. I want to try plugging the VCD card into my modded Saturn again to see what will happen, but playing VCDs on my Saturn isn't worth the risk of having to dish out another $30 on a mod chip. Keep in mind that when I plug the VCD card into my other, un-modded Saturn, it works flawlessly, just as it did after my old mod chip fried and I removed it.
So, any insight into why or how this may be occurring? Although I am a very proficient computer programmer, my knowledge of electronics and circuitry is limited. I thought perhaps the Saturn's power supply was reacting in such a way that it burned the mod chip when both it and the VCD card were present.
I don't expect much help on this, considering very few people have modded Saturns with VCD cards, I'm sure.
Thanks in advance 🙂