Weapons Grade Uranium found in Iran


Staff member
This is really freaky stuff. Thats a VERY unstable country and you can't just "stumble on to" weapons-grade stuff. It requires a long and expensive enrichment process. I just don't buy the Iranians story of "It was contaminated when we bought it".

What do you think?

Story Here
I'd be thinking that they've been wrong about these things before, *cough*Iraq*cough*, so it's probably a little too early to be saying this story has any element of truth to it...

Still, scary if true. :ph34r:
I don't know what all the fuss is about.

It's not like Israel, India and Pakistan don't have nukes. They aren't violating the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty just because they didn't sign it. :sarcasm:

I reckon the CIA just dropped the uranium off in Iran by mistake. After all, Iraq is just next door. 😉
I'd be a lot less hesitant to believe them if they just said "yeah, Iraq stowed it away here..." cause I fully believe that's what happened.
Yeah, because everyone knows that Iraq and Iran are real good buddies, what with that war in the 80s and the Baath party being secularist and all.
Or it could be that no one gives a crap about the middle east and, for the sake of purpetuating the American Stereotype, the middle east is a barron land of crap where the people eat dirt and are lesser beings than us.

Now someone go make me a raw meat sandwich while I continue to sit on my couch and watch furturama.
For everyone's sakes I hope there aren't anymore preemptive strikes/wars any time soon. Bush keeps saying we'll win and finish the mission in Iraq, but hasn't explained where the money is going to come from. I kind of miss Ari Fleischer, at least he made it seem that the actions were grounded in some kind of crediblity (even though that credibility is obscure / not for the American people's inspection). The deficit is running close to 400$ billion a year, NOT including the continued occupation of Iraq.

And they're telling soliders that the tour of duty will be about 12 months. Twelve months!! That's insane! My thoughts go out to Xavier of SX (come back in one piece).

For what it's worth, if we let the U.N. poke around a few months more, we could've had some funding from other countries. At least a little. Right now, there are ~21,000 non American troops in Iraq, and *we're* paying for them!
For everyone's sakes I hope there aren't anymore preemptive strikes/wars any time soon.

If they can hold on to power through 2004, expect the administration to go after Iran, Syria, Libya, North Korea (if necessary; it may just fall apart on its own), and to move to prevent China from expanding (I suppose a power grab involving Taiwan would be the litmus test). Note that "go after" doesn't necessarily mean a war, but as we've already seen these guys won't hesitate for a second if they don't think the opponent will cave without force.
ya i can see bush just declairing war where ever he wants if he wins a 2nd term what the fuck would he have to lose.

If all hell breaks loose i will move to Canada so quickly(like a lot of people say if you dont like it then leave and i would)

No no no, damn damnit to crap, hell hell, fuck crap shit crap crap crap.

I don't want the US to go into yet ANOTHER war.
If the US goes to another war, I will stand behind our president and our country and fight for it, whether the masses choose to live like idealistic simpletons and deny the fact that the world is a brutal place is of no matter to me... I'd gladly protect them irregardless.
And you do? Fight I mean. You would actually join the armed forces, ship off to some near third world country, and kill a whole bunch of people who would otherwise have no real issue with you?

The world is indeed a brutal place, but if you can't see the irony of fighting to make is less so...
Imagine if the US stayed out of world affairs. *Thinks back at the decades prior to 1940* And that was with fewer despotic nations. Ah yes, the good old days.
If the US goes to another war, I will stand behind our president and our country and fight for it, whether the masses choose to live like idealistic simpletons and deny the fact that the world is a brutal place is of no matter to me...

Although the image that sticks better in the mind is of college kids holding "No Blood For Oil" signs, some people object to war for pragmatic reasons in addition to idealistic ones. Some opponents of the Iraq action have very good points about the economic, security, and political ramifications of the action that can't just be swept under the rug of idealistic bleeding-heart thought. They have questions to which there is no easy answer:

- Is the US safer without Saddam, even if Iraq is now unstable?

- Is a prolonged military presence in Iraq economically sustainable?

- How will the war affect our relationship with moderate Middle Eastern nations?

- How has the war affected our moral credibility among world governments?

- How has the war affected the credibility of the United Nations?

- How has the war affected the ability of terrorist organizations to recruit new agents?

The problem isn't so much that these questions are impossible to answer, it's that a lot of people don't seem to think they're even serious. Considering the history of interactions among the US and Middle Eastern nations, I'd say they're deadly serious.
Originally posted by Gallstaff@Aug 28, 2003 @ 03:30 AM

Or it could be that no one gives a crap about the middle east and, for the sake of purpetuating the American Stereotype, the middle east is a barron land of crap where the people eat dirt and are lesser beings than us.

Now someone go make me a raw meat sandwich while I continue to sit on my couch and watch furturama.

So true, so true! We have a bunch of selfish, arrogant morons in this forum. As long that they have a great life, they don't care about anyone else. Bastards!
Originally posted by joe81@Aug 28, 2003 @ 06:08 PM

ya i can see bush just declairing war where ever he wants if he wins a 2nd term what the fuck would he have to lose.

If all hell breaks loose i will move to Canada so quickly(like a lot of people say if you dont like it then leave and i would)

Why you wasting time in US soil... Geez, go to Canada, the land of the pussies! 😀
I'm not going to do this (again, Lyzel! 😀 ).

What we need to remember is that whatever our beliefs about this are, beliefs have an irritating habit of being either completely wrong or completely irrelvant. Or both.

Go on...think a little. 😉
Originally posted by Curtis@Aug 30, 2003 @ 12:54 PM

I'm not going to do this (again, Lyzel! 😀 ).

What we need to remember is that whatever our beliefs about this are, beliefs have an irritating habit of being either completely wrong or completely irrelvant. Or both.

Go on...think a little. 😉

I don't need to think about this. I already know what the right thing to do with people that don't have the same freedom and rights as you and I. If I had something to do about it, I go kick North Korean, Iran, etc, etc asses, and give those people their freedom and rights, just like what we all have and enjoy.

Unfortunetly, we have a bunch pussies that run into their hole and do nothing because they are selfish, and arrogant. They only care about themselves, not everyone else. That's just sad.

But you're right in one thing, I don't want to discuss this. I already know we have a bunch of cowards in this forum.