Western Digital 8 Meg Cache HD

Well, I'm a little skeptical as to the value of sandwitching a drive myself. It can't hurt I guess (unless you tighten it up too far), but I can't see any real benefit.

I can attest to the worth of suspending a drive though. Instant (and significant) reduction in noise levels for a $0 outlay. You can't do much better than that. 🙂

Why not sidesink as well? 😛
Sidesinks are OK, but most of those cooling methods are overkill, a little air circulation does wonders. If you lack space, get a mounting kit to put a couple in extra 5.25 bays. If its really hot, a 5.25 cooling kit would do the trick. The foam underneath is a better solution than suspending, and has basically the same effect but without taking up as much space and its more stable. It still isn't as secure as screwing it to a drive bay, so I wouldn't do anything like that. Not good for transporting it. I dunno, haven't really had much trouble with either heat or noise.
Well my recent discovery of Silentpcreview has left me with an overwhelming desire to shut my PC up. 🙂

I recently constructed a bottom mounted suspension point for a yet to be purchased drive. Now I only need a better heatsink/fan combo, an ultra quite power supply and a few panaflos at 7V and I'll have something I can sleep in the same room as. 😀
If you run at stock speeds, there are plenty of cheap+quiet HS/fan combos. If not, umm, distilled water. Yup.
Cool. 🙂

I've got a Zalman 7000A-AlCu on order at the moment - should be about the last thing I need for a while. 🙂
In conclusion software Raid 5 is stupid. And my machine was overheating so I had to take out one of the drives.
I told you it wasn't worth the trouble. But you could still always pick up a 4-channel RAID card that supports RAID 5, if you've got the cash. A 2-channel would work too, though not optimally. I dunno, seems like a big waste to not do anything with those nice expensive drives. I thought you were going to get another drive mount, assuming you have room in your case? If not you could still mount one of them in a 5.25 bay and possibly add a little more cooling to your case.