What are you listening to?

Oh dear god, I just located an OLD ass mix CD of mine... couldn't tell what it is, so I popped it in. I am on the second track and I can't believe what it is, ughhh

Electric Hellfire Club: Book of Lies

AGH! This band is uber satan worshipping trash... kinda funny to listen too though.

God I was a dork back in middle school, other junk on this mix CD:

Die Krupps (oh dear god...)

Front Line Assembly (still the shit bro, great band)

Thrill Kill Kult (take em' or leave em')

A bunch of Dark Industrial, that borderlining with Black Metal/Goth crap... what was wrong with me?

and surprisingly a track of Einsturzende! heh...

Funny thing: I actually took the 8 or so hours it probably took to burn this thing on one of those old single speed burners that my friend John had. heh.
E-N is one of my new favorites. The spelling of that name is crazy, from what I gather is is spelled "Einstürzende Neubauten" and if you can't make the 'u' with the two dots, then it is "Einstuerzende Neubauten". I liked that figure too, it is defintely shirt-worthy.

Dud the fag-a-muffin!? I take offense to that, although I guess I deserve it because I was just listening to Daft Punk's Discovery album...

Yep, all my mix cds from middleschool had mostly crap on them too. I threw them all out a long time ago, I think I even smashed one or two with a hammer. There is one Black Metal band I still like though--Dimmu Borgir, just because it is more melodic than most metal. I consider them more satanic than gothic, which is a little bit better in my book :/ Not by much though. I got rid of all my downloaded music too, to force myself to start buying CDs, but I kind of miss my 10 days of music sometimes...
Even freakin' weirder... I happen to be listening to Daft Punk's Discovery album right now!

Have you hear the new one? It is ok... could of been MUCH better.
Originally posted by lordofduct@Mon, 2005-08-22 @ 03:54 AM

Even freakin' weirder... I happen to be listening to Daft Punk's Discovery album right now!

Have you hear the new one? It is ok... could of been MUCH better.

[post=138543]Quoted post[/post]​

Those kind of coincidences seem to happen a lot...

Discovery is the only album of theirs I listened to so far. Based on this one I'm pretty impressed, I might check out their other work too.
Homework has some good tracks (around the world is just so damn catchy!) but Discovery is there best so far. They only have three albums anyway:



Human After All (the new one)

Human After All is good! Really fun to listen too, it is just not as good as their earlier stuff. What I always liked about Daft Punk was it was techno but with progression in the song (you know that techno problem where its the same loop beginning to end). In there old stuff it ranged a lot from beginning to end. This new one loops a lot. Like the track "Robot Rock" is great but its the SAME damn thing for 5 minutes... ba dun dang dang "robots" ba dun dang dang "ROCK" ba dun dang dang "robots" repeat for ever...

What would you expect though, it is said the album was made in 3 or 4 weeks. A lot of Daft fans are thinking that as the album was leaked like 6 months before release that the band just put this together real quick to cover up what they are really working on. But then its probably just fans making excuses for their beloved fav band... like me... I love em' a lot.
I'm a big EN fan too, although I probably listen to the likes of Skinny Puppy, TKK, or especially Front 242 more (Front 242 rules!).

Also, since we're talking about industrial and weird rock stuff, any Psychic TV fans here? One of my all time favorite bands.

One more thing ... not to be pedantic, but Daft Punk is NOT techno! That's not to say they're bad, I'm a fan, heh... I saw an 18" Daft Punk robot figure at this shop in portland and I almost bought it even though it was like $150.
Originally posted by it290@Mon, 2005-08-22 @ 12:57 PM


Also, since we're talking about industrial and weird rock stuff, any Psychic TV fans here? One of my all time favorite bands.


[post=138573]Quoted post[/post]​

Throbbing Gristle is one of my favorites, but unfortunately I've never listened to any of the side projects like that, Psychic TV, Coil, Chris & Cosey, I think that's most of them right?
What would you call Daft Punk?

I just call it techno because I can't think of anything to call it... this genre naming sometimes gets REALLY hard.
Throbbing Gristle is one of my favorites, but unfortunately I've never listened to any of the side projects like that, Psychic TV, Coil, Chris & Cosey, I think that's most of them right?

G-P Orridge has also been involved w/Pigface and Thee Majesty. The reason I mentioned Psychic TV is because I prefer the output of that band to TG's stuff. However, PTV also covers a pretty wide range/from good to crap. I'd particularly recommend a lot of the Live albums and some of the acid house stuff, like Jack the Tab and the Infinite Beat records. Avoid Trip Reset and Kondole, however.

What would you call Daft Punk?

I just call it techno because I can't think of anything to call it... this genre naming sometimes gets REALLY hard.

I agree with you about the sometimes-ridiculousness of electronic music genres, but at the same time some coherency is needed, because calling DP techno is like calling Metallica surf rock. Anyway, most of Daft Punk's stuff is usually grouped under the French house heading, although their output varies quite a bit and that label also has a lot to do with how influential they were to the French house sound, rather than their representing the sound itself. They have also done some more electro-type stuff.

If you want to hear some 'techno techno', check out the likes of Jeff Mills, Plastikman, Juan Atkins, Christian Varela, Cari Lekebusch, Steve Stoll, T-1000, Derrick May, (most) Laurent Garnier, etc.
And what you listed for techno is WHY I generally don't like it.

Peter Gabriel: I don't Remember

now this is some good ol' stuff!


Ah, got to change the shit up!

Outkast: Ghetto Musik

yeah yeah yeah, I like some rap... Outkast is just great stuff.
Just finished listening to my Warp mixed CD which came with the limited edition of the Warp Vision DVD. The mixed CD sounds awsome. What a shame the limited edition DVD has sold out world wide 😎
Not listening to anything ATM, but I saw Infected Mushroom play live last night and man that was a good show. One of the best nights out I have had in many moons.
I'm listening to a couple CDs on shuffle while I LM here at work...

Fischerspooner: #1

The Faint: Danse Macabre Remixes

Postal Service: Give Up

LadyTron: 604

Daft Punk: Discovery


I think I like this girl a lot, she gave me a few of these CDs the other day (strange it took me this long to get into say like the Faint as my brother has been trying to get me into them for a long time now)... but yeah, this girl is reall really really cool... really... and she's not just some slut like most the girls I hook up with, that is probably why they usually are just one night stands I guess. She makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I get the feeling I do the same for her... that makes me more warm. I feel like a little girl

AND I am very happy for a weird thing that happend.

An old friend of mine had moved away a long time ago, then a kid I meet more recently (about a year ago) moved away. Well he calls me up and says to me "hey, I got Sean ###### here with me!"... WOW, how'd he know, wha, huh? Oh my and the all together now and stuff... ahhh, its so cute... the only two guys I ever really though were "dateable" (don't ask, yes Im a freak) hooked up.
Ellen Allien - Berlinette

I love this kind of stuff. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten more exposure here in the US.
I have been listening to this band a while now... but last night I have decided that this one song I am listening to now is just down right awesome and hits me right in the good spot... you know that spot, the tingly spot that makes you zone off into no where and you are on the verge of tears, but they just don't come and if someone interupts you it is life shattering. There are only a few other songs that do that to me... like Elton John's "Greatest Discovery". So this band really gets some daps for this lil' song!

Dresdon Dolls - Perfect Fit