What games have you bought lately?

Thank you Black Friday.

God of War 1, GoW2, Jak III (Saturday special at Amazon, $6 new!), Saints Row and DDR Max.

On top of that I went on a trading tear, even managed to get rid of ECW Hardcore Revolution (!?!) and picked up Mass Effect and GTA IV.
I bought Fallout 3 CE for 360 back in November, and decided to go very conservative on game spending after that.

I used to buy 2-3 games a month, but only play most of them for 5 minutes and keep them for later. I accumulated huge number of games over the years, so now, with crisis and all, I can use my back catalog 🙂

I will buy Killzone 2 in February, since it's the sole reason I bought PS3 back in 2007...
I bought a new Xbox 360 (my old one RROD'ed); it came with LEGO Indy/Kung Fu Panda.

My girlfriend bought me Fallout 3. She's currently borrowing it.:bored:
Bunch of humongous entertainment games (Freddi Fish, Pajama Sam, etc) for the kid, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, Nights (Wii), Zak & Wiki
I bought WAVE RACE BLUE STORM for my GC, quite the departure from the N64 game, can't say I'm a fan of this one, hope they do a proper WR for the Wii.
Power Drift for the Saturn, not a good game actually.

The house of the Dead - Overkill for the Wii, a fu.... good game !
Silent Hill: Homecoming

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection:inlove: It reminds me why I was partial to Sega for so long.

I'm waiting eagerly for Outrun Online Arcade for Xbox Arcade.