What I found in Internet

I have been searching information about MegaDrive or Genesis for a long time and it is very difficult to find things as number of units sold in USA, Europe etc, best selling games etc. Acording what I knew Genesis was the number three in Japan, the number one in Europe and the number one in USA but only from 1992 to 1994 (when Donkey Kong Country was released). Yesterday I found some things that made me doubt:

From a pdf of Toys R Us,

Top ten toys of 1994 (survey of US buyers)

1. Power Rangers

2. Barbie

3. Lion King

4. Sega Genesis 😎

5. Batman

6. Jennie Gymnast

7. Super Nintendo

8. GI Joe

9. Bumble Ball

10. Cool Tools

Of course, It was only a survey. Then I found a document called "Indirect Network Effects and the Product Cycle Video Games in the US, 1994-2002" and at the end of it we can see a table with the % of consoles sold fron 1994 to 2002 (the data comes from NPD) and Genesis sold more consoles than Super Nes from 1994 to 1996 and amazinly from 1998 to 2001 (of course in 2001 the percentages were ridiculous, 0.01 and 0.0001). Super Nes only sold more one year, 1997.

I was very happy to find something interesting but then I found this http://www.segasucks.net :angry:
Its jerks like that guy that give sega a bad name. A lot of my friends don't like sega. Do they know why? No, they just say its stupid. However, they liked sega when they were on top. So screw them.
about this sega sucks stuff... theres truth and theres exagerration.

yeh segas products have flunked and not been supported/marketed blah blah.


we love our sega.

nuff said. pc fanboy.
Saturn being a horrable system? Hardly.....I think if people actually sat down and gave it a chance they would be blown away. Now stuff like the SCD on the other hand only have a couple of good games, same w/ 32x.

Like wiseman said, some is truth, some is exaerration or simply just assumptions. Blast Processing or whatever was nothing more than a marketing trick, everyone does it. PS2 emotion engine anybody? haha.

This guy is CLEARLY a PC fanboy.....oh well, I am suprised he isn't down w/ XBox hardcore but he is one of those cool kids who is Anti-M$. Those are the cool kids on the internet, everywhere they go they bash M$ and all they have done, haha. I wish I could be cool like that 😉.
The blast processing is a real thing.

The genesis for exemple operate in a blast processing type (the display drawing isn't done by the 68k but by a automatic chip : VDP).
Nintendo apparently did their fair share of false marketing as well. Just look at this scanned article I found on that segasucks site:

Speed Myth Scan

If you look at the side-by-side comparison of game graphics at the bottom left of the second page, you'll see that they purposefully have the Genesis images zoomed in by roughly 30%. This obviously makes the Genesis images appear more pixelated than the SNES images.

Originally posted by Jedi Master Thrash@Jul 19, 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Nintendo apparently did their fair share of false marketing as well. Just look at this scanned article I found on that segasucks site:

Speed Myth Scan

If you look at the side-by-side comparison of game graphics at the bottom left of the second page, you'll see that they purposefully have the Genesis images zoomed in by roughly 30%. This obviously makes the Genesis images appear more pixelated than the SNES images.


I think the only interesting word in that scan is the first one (on the top of the page) : advertisement 😛
Thats funny to see that this page is pro-nintendo (If you have the same style for sega, just post it here)...

The only thing they dont talk about is that the snes has a crap and slow cpu and can't handle game engines like sonic3...

Which system can andle 128 sprites? Snes

Lol, static sprites? Because moving them all at once at 60fps require something the snes doesn't have : the power.

And also the snes was born 2 years after the genny, so its normal that the vdp is better.

snes has a faster memory cycle time

Lol, The vdp can handle DMA from the genesis ram with a *impressive* speed. So, the genesis ram is faster than the genesis 68k.

They forgot to mention that the snes has a crappy and slow cartridge port in 8bit data... If the genny can acces at *full* speed the cart, the snes can't.

Snes is like GBA, no real power, just good video features.

:puke: Ho, damn, that just a eternal flood, I stop, sorry.
Originally posted by E Nice@Jul 15, 2004 @ 03:38 PM

:huh Only one on the list that I don't seem to remember at all.

My little sister was about the age for a girl's toy at the time, and -I- don't even remember it.
Heh.. that page scan is pretty funny. What's up with the 'Super NES controller has twelve buttons' crap? I guess if you count U/D/L/R as buttons that's true... umm.. I do like the 'Which system has the black control deck?' question... at least Nintendo was able to admit that the Super NES looks LAME. 😉

Not dissing the SNES or anything (hell, I just bought one), but the speed issue is a real factor. A game like Gunstar Heroes could never be done on the SNES. If Nintendo had just made the system a bit more expensive by adding a faster processor, they could have had a system that competed with the Neo-Geo (kind of). I'm sure they would have lost some sales initially if their console was priced higher, but I think they could have turned it around and won the 16-bit wars that way. A lot of times when I'm playing SNES games, I think to myself how much better some of the games could have been without slowdown.
Not only the cpu frequency was need to be modified 😛 .

The cpu technology too.

The 65802 is in fact a crap 16bit version of the GB one.

And its pretty the same performance of a z80 at the same speed.

"Two memory cycles are required for the transfer of 16-bit values.", lol, what a crap.

I igree, the snes display abilities were far better than the genesis one.

The reason why I used to hate SNES was its ads. I remember reading things like "SNES the brain of the beast", "SNES has a chip called mode 7 to perform 3d effects", "cd quality sound", "resolution of 512x448"... most of that were exageration, untrue etc.

If Genesis sold more than SNES in USA and Nintendo says that they sold more than 20 millions there (and 49 millions worldwide) then Genesis sold also more than 20 millions in USA but we do not know the number of units sold worlwide (but surely more than 30 millions as some people think).

But don´t get me wrong, SNES was a very good system (I prefer Genesis) with great games that were not released for Genesis.