What was the name of that late epic Japanese game?

Title limit kept me from being more specific.

Side scrolling, I guess platformer. Protagonist has lightning-based attacks. Made late in the Saturn lifecycle, pulled off amazing transparency. First stage should be a ruined temple or something... It's been about almost decade since I played it.
THAT'S the one. Thanks muchly. I refer to it when defending Saturn out in the wilds of the internet, but it's difficult when I forget the title.
Is it the 'ol "the saturn couldn't do transparencies/additive effects" stuff? There's a whole bunch of games you can use to proof it otherwise (well, maybe changing it to "the saturn could do transparencies/additive blends, with a few advantages and limitations compared to the PSX") that are easier to find.

Burning Rangers is the most exuberant example (3D objects additively blended against other 3D objects - a rare feat). Shining Force 3 uses additive effects for *all* spells too (plus the game windows are nicenly blended against the game itself - you can even adjust the transparency ratio in the options).