What's the best handheld for homebrew emulation?
Last time I checked, coders were moving from the GP32 to the Zodiac - I think they prefered the faster cpu device. Now that PSP is out, there seems to be a massive flood of coders willing to code for the system, with emu's out already.
As things stand, PSP seems to be the most prominant candidate for emu's thesedays - again, possibilities are expanded due to faster CPU.
That said, GP32 can already do a handful of systems, including SNES and Genesis, though development of these two are still have a way to go. And I don't think GP32 supports SD media cards - Smart media cards it supports - 3.3V only. Largest capacity = 128MB.
Though would be considered rather small storage space, you will find that encoding vids at the resolution of the GP32 and downgrading the audio a bit, results in very small files, that are very nice on the GP32 screen. Converting your Mp3's to OGG's (@ 96Kbps) will cut down taken space by ~60%. Easily enough space for all your emu's and favorite games.
So there 😛