X-men 2


Established Member
I just saw x-men two and I thought it was pretty good. Did anyone else see it? I thought it could use some elaboration thouugh. It kinda just pieced together a weak wonverene's history type plot and tied it all up in 15 minuetes at the end. You know, like signs with mel gibson.

It was good cause it did have night crawler, but meh I feel empty. It was cool cause there was action but like i said weak plot. Here's something interesting though and those of you who saw it might have noticed. When mystique is going through the names of files to get to cerebro2, you see a list of mutants that aren't in the movie for a brief moment. One of them was our friend Remmy Labough (Gambit). Man I hope he's in the third one cause he's the best character out of all the x-men in my opinion.

I looked around on the net and found that colossis is also gonna be in the third one and he's ok too I guess but Gambit just kicks ass. Also night crawlers gonna be in the third one again and so is pheonix.

So who else saw the movie and what do you think? Oh and if you can't tell, I'm a big x-men fan.
I just got back from the theater.

It was good... there was plenty of action, but the little nerdy kid in me was a bit upset with how much stuff they got wrong or had to skip over. I guess they can't expect viewers to want to sit around and watch nothing but Wolverine's history for most of the movie though.

Nightcrawler was always my favourite, so when he kicking everybody's ass at the beginning, I was thinking it just might very well be the best movie ever... that all got shot to shit though when they introduced Colossus and then sent him right away. Then the absence of Nightcrawler for the next hour or so, coupled with the fact there was no Gambit...

I give the movie a 7/10. It was worth the $6 to see... but I doubt I'll catch it again in the theaters.

By the way, did anybody else notice that Pyro doesn't look anything like what he should? I just can't get the image of Pyro from the comics out of my head... and I can't stop laughing my ass off.
I look forward to seeing it, but I'm waiting for a superhero movie to top the excellent work that was Spiderman.
I scored free tickets to Thursday night's advance screening.

Overall, I was impressed.

Being a long time comic geek, I am still annoyed at how Rouge has been made into Jubilee (re: her relationship with Wolverine). And it did annoy me that they moved the Weapon X program into the US instead of Canada. (Weapon X is the name of the Canadian government program that put the adamatium on Wolverine's skeleton. They didn't use the name Weapon X in the movie either.) Lady Deathstryke isn't supposed to have a healing factor either. And Artie is a pink-skinned Morlock. Pyro, well, we don't get to see him in costume yet, but they got his powers down 100% (can't generate fire himself, only control it). We'll see how his costume plays into X3.

But that is all comic-geek nit picking. Put aside everything I already know about the characters, and the movie is a lot of fun. Great special FX, especially with Nightcrawler. The plots tie together very well (Wolverine's past and the present governmental threat to mutants everywhere). Even the few non-comic-geek audience members were cheering when Wolverine gets to cut loose for the first time and starts killing the black-ops soldiers that are invading the mansion. The martial arts action sequences give The Matrix a run for its money (the first one, don't know about the sequels yet). None of that damn slow-motion, camera panning fighting that every action movie has had to use since The Matrix either, which is a huge plus. The antagonism between Wolverine and Cyclops is played great, too. "Your bike needs gas."

To make every comic geek jump and twitch, there are all sorts of name drops and short cameos. Siren plays an important role. Anybody else find the Beast? If so, riddle me this: Why is he so skinny? And Remmy LeBeau is not the only X-Men character whose name appears on that file list!

A sequel that has outdone its predecessor is hard to come by, but this one does it. While the first one's focus on explaining who and what everyone was left it with a by-the-numbers predictable plot, this one is able to delve straight into two strong storylines intertwining halfway through and culminating in a non-obvious climax. This will cause anyone in the audience who has not seen the first film or read any of the comics to get lost, but with the number "2" so clearly in the title that should not be a problem.
Where was the beast? I didn't see him. Oh vertigo, at the end it's obvious that thing is pheonix but what the hell I DISTINCTLY remember that she fused with an alien life form not just died and turned into phenox.

Am I wrong?
There is a Doctor Hank McCoy being interviewed on a TV screen. Hank McCoy is the Beast.

Yeah, but they aren't using any aliens here. Remember, Rogue is supossed to have invuneribility, superstrength, and the ability to fly, but without being able to use the Avengers and Warbird (or whatever her code name is nowadays) to explain those powers, they ain't happening. Something tells me that Pheonix's origin will be that it is the full extent of her powers, without Xavier's mental blocks in place.

And also remember, Kitty Pryde, aka Shadowcat, is supossed to be Pheonix's daughter from the future of an alternate reality.
wait when the crap was she supposed to be her daughter from the future of an alternate reality, what x-men saga was that?
As far as I remember, Kitty was never said to be that. I think your confusing her with Racheal Summers, aka Phoenix from Excalibur. She was Scott Summers and Jean Greys daughter from an alternate future.
In "Days of Future Past" Kitty Pryde comes back in time to stop the upcoming rise of the Sentenels. It is later revealed that she is Madeline Pryde's future daughter.

After Jean Grey "dies" the first time, Madeline Pryde shows up. Madeline Pryde dies and Jean Grey comes back. Madeline Pryde is later revealed to be some sort of alternate version of Jean Grey.

Rachel Summers is also a future timeline daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers. Her having come back to the present creates yet another alternate future timeline in which she becomes Madame Askani, who serves as an adoptive mother to Nathan Summers, aka Cable, the son of Madeline Pryde and Scott Summers, who was infected with a technovirus created by Apocalypse and had to be sent to the future to be cured. Cable comes back in time to stop Apocalypse from taking over the world, regulating his past into yet another alternate future timeline.

Turns out Professor X has a son. His son comes up with the bright idea to commit suicide by going back into time and killing his father before he was born. No Professor X, no X-Men, Apocalypse takes over the world, creating the alternate universe called the "Age of Apocalypse." Bishop, who also managed to go back in time with Professor X's son manages to set the timeline right, but not without the AoA version of Nate Summers coming along for the ride. The AoA timeline Nate Summers, aka X-Man, is the clone child of the AoA Jean Grey and Scott Summers. As he is pulled into Marvel proper, his psyonic cry causes Madeline Pryde to be recreated, only evil like the AoA Jean Grey. I stopped reading X-Man due to horribly suck-ass writing, so I never found out what happened to that version of Maddie Pryde, but I do know that Nate Summers eventualy died.

And, by the way, Bishop is also yet another character from an alternate future timeline, who came back to warn the X-Men of a traitor in their midst, but suffered amneisia while going back in time and forgot who it was. Turns out it was Professor X himself, whose mind created Onslaught. Onslaught was defeated by the sacrafice of almost all the non-mutant Marvel Universe super heroes (except Spider-Man and Daredevil, who didn't make it in time and weren't suffering as bad of a sales drag). But they weren't dead, they were trapped in yet ANOTHER alternate universe, this time created by Franklin Richards, the mutant son of Reed and Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four. This gets fixed, preventing the future that Bishop came from from existing. Bishop then goes into a new future where he becomes a Mad-Max type hero, only to come back to the present just in time for the next major storyline, a battle against Apocalypse that results in the "death" of Scott Summers. But as those issues were coming out, the fact that Scott Summers was already back from the dead was obvious in the Previews catalog, and I was sick of buying books with lousy writing, so I stopped reading all the X-Men books. (Though I am now reading the Ultimate X-Men book, being set in A NEW UNIVERSE without all the baggage of the previous one and with good writing, and I will be picking up the new Wolverine series writting by Greg Ruka, as long as it stays seperate from the other X-Men books as much as possible. And I hear the writers on the X-Men books now are doing a great job, but I'd rather spend my money on Batman these days.)

Can everyone see why so much of the storyline had to be left out of the movies and changed? Because unless you've read 40+ years of comics, you're going to be as confused as fuck. Hell, I've read most of these books and even I get confused as fuck about it all.
the above post just amazes me no end.

remember in the street fighter movie how there was a "dr. dhalsim" but he didn't stretch and wasn't really indian or anything? that sucked.
Actually VertigoXX, I have to disagree with you on a few points.

1. Madelyne Pryor is a genetic clone of Jean Gray, created by Mister Sinister. Scott meet her after Jean "died" saving the rest of the team. Scott married her and they had a son Nathan Summers, aka Cable. Cable was sent to the future in order to save him. Madelyne, containging part of the Phoenix, went crazy after Jean returned from the dead. She became the Goblin Queen, and with Alex tried to destroy the world.

2. As for Days of Futute Past, it was Rachel Summers who traveled back in time. She came to prevent her versions of the "future" from coming to be. It was revealed when her and Cable finally "hooked" up, that her future was from a different reality. Cable was raised in the way future. His future is Bishops future with is the future of the "real" world.

3. Bishop is suppose to be from the "real" future, upposed to an alternate future like Racheal Summers.

4. The AOA can is more a "what if..." world than alternate future. With Prof X dead, a power vacuum was left for Apocalypse to assume. More of a result of actions.

5. The Madelyne in X-Man proved to be an evil alternate reality version of Jean.
.... My eyes are bleeding out their pupils. Ok I was a big fan but MY FUCKING LORD! I did not get hardly any of that. That seriously raised more questions then it answered. So here are those questions:

How many different series of xmen books are there and what are the differences?

What are the books they're making now?

and one of my other many questions: Does stan lee have any invovlement in any of them as of today?
Stan Lee is no longer involved in Marvel. Last I heard, he was working with DC Comics, though I think that project is finished.

The present X-books are: New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Treme X-Men, X-Static, Ultimate X-Men, plus various solo tittles. The core are New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, and X-Treme X-Men. Ultimate is a "new world". The characters are slightly different but the book rocks.

I the past, there have been many books: X-Factor, X-Force, New Mutants, Gen X, Excalibur, plus others. Many of the books have changed their titles over time.

VertigooXX, you should check out New X-Men. Very different, alomst X-files meets mutants. They introduced Prof X's twin sister who proceeded to do massive damage.
Each book basically follows its own team and has a different emphasis. Ultimate is just an alternate take on mutants. No real tie to the other books. X-Static is a comical take on mutants. Though set in the current world, they have no ties. New X-Men is a bit more X-filish. It deals with conspiracies. Both X-Treme and Uncanny X-Men are like the X-Men of old and the movie. A band of mutanats traveling the world saving it from dangerous mutants and humans.

The older books followed different teams, but had close ties. About once a year they would have a crossover story between all of the books.
Ah I see... interesting. And I dont know why I think this but at some point for some reason wasn't night crawler evil?
Not that I would EVER watch this movie... but from the commercials (which one cannot avoid) it seems "captain Picard" did not come back for the sequel...

Is this so? how did they explain it or write him out?
Professor X (played by Patrick Stewart, aka Captain Jean Luc Picard) is back, and is a key player. He has to come back, he's the leader of the team.

BTW, for anyone interested, Patrick Stewart has made some comments recently that he's interested in starring in a movie based on Transmetropolitan. Warren Ellis has stated that no new talks have started about a Transmet movie, but that Stewart's interest may generate enough buzz to get talks started again.

Is New X-Men the one Grant Morrison is writing now?

I've gotta say, since Jemas and Queseda took over, the Marvel U across the board is good reading. It is amazing how the talent and quality goes up when the editors stop telling writers what to write. But I don't have enough money to buy everything Marvel anymore. I got interested in too many DC and Image titles while Marvel still sucked.

And I'll have to pull out my DoFP trade to check on whether it was Kitty or Rachel. Could'a swore it was Kitty, though.
Yup thats the one Morrison is writing. I have to agree with the comment on Queseda and company. Great editors do seem to make a world of difference. I started following X-Men around X-Tinction Agenda. And my interest has come and gone. However, over the past couple years, stories have greatly improved.

I would love to see them make Transmet into a movie. Warren Ellis is a great story teller.

And Gallstaff, no Nightcrawler was never evil. He started as a circus freek. His mother is Mystique. And in the comics books, he is an ordained minister.
Yeh i just got back from seeing this movie today and i thought it was pretty decent but the story was lacking, also did anyone notice when Mystique was looking up the names on the Computer, did anyone c the name Jamie Madrox??? well u may all b wondering who the hell is Jamie Madrox, well he is a rapper from the underground rap band Twiztid, fellow juggalos should know who he is.