XboX Appraisal


I have an XboX 1.6(2 controllers, and mechassault 2, Headhunter Redemption) with the following mods.

Xenium SP Ice ModChip

WD 200GB HD 2.5yrs warranty left

I am upgrading the heat removal system of the box.

It comes with all the bios's and dashboards you could want.

I have some unexpected bills and was thinking of selling this. The box is 200 new, the chip is 110, extra controller 20, and the harddrive is 140 and my time of installing and doing all of this about 2 hours I work slow and methodically. Setting up the *software* took some time.

This is all a week old 🙁.

Oh and I am in canada thats why the prices are a bit higher than you normally see.
yeah, was gonna say $200 for the xbox and $110 for the mod was a bit high, but if you're up north I guess that could make sense. Good luck to ya.
Well depending on the buyer... here in Florida I sell modded 200 gig XBOX's for 235 + cost of the xbox. I use Xenium and I supply it with evox and tons of software and... They sell pretty well at that price too. but then a xbox here is only 140-150 USD for a brandnew xbox.
Yea I have downloaded the Evo-X stuff but I am debating on changing its dash out for that media center one so it can run dvd's without the kit.

So you sell them for about 385usd(Approx 450cad)?
yep... i also pay only 45-50 for the chips though.

I figure it this way...

50 for chip

110 for HDD (200 gb)

a few bucks for wire and parts.

and the rest is all labor.

yeah im kinda raping people (75USD in labor) but you know the V1.6 is a pain in my butt, I have the know how to do it right, and I give them lots of software. Nevermind a lot of websites charge a WHOLE lot more and you also have to pay shipping.

I do my buddies more proper but still not for free.
Yeah, if I was going to sell my modded xbox I think I'd wipe all the software off of it first. You're slightly less likely to get microsoft breathing down the back of your neck that way. A shop I used to goto to buy video game stuff was shut downa couple months ago for selling modded xbox's. Microsoft came in and shut them down.
If I sold it to a shop I'd clean it off. I'd leave it linux and media centre capable though. I might call a shop and see how much I can get from a shop.
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Thu, 2005-03-17 @ 05:48 PM

Yeah, if I was going to sell my modded xbox I think I'd wipe all the software off of it first. You're slightly less likely to get microsoft breathing down the back of your neck that way. A shop I used to goto to buy video game stuff was shut downa couple months ago for selling modded xbox's. Microsoft came in and shut them down.

[post=131751]Quoted post[/post]​

Lol i wonder if that's the store I read about on Geeknews. Funny stuff.
Originally posted by Scared0o0Rabbit@Fri, 2005-03-18 @ 03:29 AM

Was it Matt's Game Exchange in Concord California on Clayton Road? =P

[post=131777]Quoted post[/post]​

It might have been, I honestly can't remember.. For some reason though, I keep thinking it was a place like a Gamestop, or EBGames, etc.

Either way, that was a really stupid thing to get busted for, lol.