Xbox question

fighters dont count.....u buy arcade sticks for those. It's like saying some controller is better for Virtua Cop and HotD, just doesn't make since. I personally LOVE the feel of the GCN controller....fits my hand like a glove. With the s-type my hands cramp up :-\. The s-type stick is nice.......but it lacks the grooves like the GCN controller which I think makes it a lot better. The shiulder button for the GCN are a lot more comfy too, and that added click is sumthin I would like to see in all future consoles, just like the dual-stick setup and analog buttons.

Basically all controllers have their good points.....but with sony's being the least good-pointed (i guess that's how you would word it?). All the controllers have a great way before they near an exceptionally great controller. We need to have a controller that is as comfy and the GCN, has a button layout similar to the xbox/dc (although a six button layout in that same fashion would be nice (like the origional xbox one) but on a smaller pad ya know?), the click feature for the shoulder pads, 2-4 shoulder pads.....doesn't rlly matter as long as u can make them easy to reach and comfy, none of this 3-button bullshit the big N is trying to pull. And of course the slotted sticks (atleast on the main one....secondary one might be just as good or better w/o the slottedness). All around analog is a must....and of course built in rumble. With that I think you would have one hell of a nice pad 🙂
I find the s to be quite comfortable, but I agree the gamecube controller is my favorite controller. Another of my favorites *prepares to be flamed* is the n64 controller. For most game sthe n64 controller sucked, but the 3 games I played the most were mario 64, mario kart 64, and starfox 64. The n64 conttroller was amazing for those, I really liked the z button down there in fact, as opposed to the current location of the z button on the gcn controller.
I find the s to be quite comfortable, but I agree the gamecube controller is my favorite controller. Another of my favorites *prepares to be flamed* is the n64 controller. For most game sthe n64 controller sucked, but the 3 games I played the most were mario 64, mario kart 64, and starfox 64. The n64 conttroller was amazing for those, I really liked the z button down there in fact, as opposed to the current location of the z button on the gcn controller.

The N64 and GCN designs are unconventional, but they show that an unconventional design can work really well if some thought is put into it. The problem isn't that the N64/GCN controllers suck, it's that hardly anyone other than Nintendo puts in the effort necessary to use them well. Treasure, for example, seemed to have no problem making the N64 pad work for more traditional arcade-style gameplay...