Yabause Netlink Code

This might be long but il make it as short as i can, for those who don't know the dreamcast online community has exploded in terms of games (Afo and chu chu!) and amount of users has also exploded in recent. This is thanks to dreampi which is a program that converts any modem single into a high speed connection. Many of us have been talking of taking this for netlink use as you can browse the web fine with it . Since Yabause lets you play netlink games over modern internet we were wondering if anyone can give us the the code from yabduse since im not a good programmer and don't have the time to do so, thanks!
Sorry what i meant was if someone could give it to me directly because of right know i dont have the time to fish for it in the yabause code, sorry!
Just as an update there have been some huge advancements since this video on this project and there are some new videos showing the progress 🙂

Netlink Zone is back online

Brand new Web browser

Virtual On & Bomberman gameplay

All four games in different rounds than the previous videos

Even a tutorial video now