You saw it right?


I'm loving this new controller... after I really started to think about it...

My first reaction was... "I like the color..."

But then thinking about the movement of the controller...

Boom... it hit me.

Finally, The <u>FIRST</u> NEXT GEN CONTROLLER stepped up to its rightful place, PS3's and 3sixties are just 'upgrades'. This IS Nintendo's generation once more...

Sony and MicroSoft are sitting... taking notes...

Like in the movie Hackers... If you mess with the best, you die like the rest!!!

And thats real...
Using the gamecube gamepad slots on the Revo they possibly will release all gamepads for each system so you can play all the classics in Revo like it was meant to be played.
People have gotta READ the article more -_-

For one thing you can turn the remote bit 90 degrees and then the small 'a' and 'b' and the d-pad can be used for NES.'re holding it like a NES controller.

SNES and N64 I have no idea so far about...but GC they have the actual controller lined up in slots on the GC.

Some people have gotta do their research and stop asking questions that were answered long ago like "How we supposed to play GC games?" Bah! Controller slots on the rev.!
Read the other 2 news articles that are on the front page of the site that deal with this thing... your answers are contained there. yes, there are 3 different items on the news page about the same thing, i don't know why.