Taisen link cable support found in US version of Doom

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EU/JP versions of Doom had link cable support but it was made inaccessible in the US version, well now Mattfrie1 over at Doomworld managed to find a action replay code that unlocks it, but it's still untested so feel free to be a pioneer.

"It appears that the link-up modes are still potentially...

DoomFS2 by dgrubb - another attempt at making a good Doom port on Saturn

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"The Sega Saturn recieved an official port of DOOM which suffered from a very low frame rate. The hardware appears well-suited to the mixure of pseudo-3D and sprite based rendering but the developer...

Street Fighter Alpha 2 homebrew tech demo for Megadrive

Local Segaxtreme moderator hates McDonald's
Local Segaxtreme moderator hates McDonald's
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Segaxtreme moderator and long-time member vbt just cannot stand McDonald's. Whenever anyone posts something about McDonald's on the Discord, he says it's unhealthy even if it's a filet o fish. As he says, "mac do can't be healthy whatever food in the box". However, everyone knows that...

Make your own Taisen Cable link cable and save money

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Capture d’écran 2021-04-02 à 13.34.56.png

Capture d’écran 2021-04-02 à 19.33.57.png

Capture d’écran 2021-04-02 à 15.41.13.png

[ATTACH type="full" width="298px" alt="Capture...

JagStudio released - an advanced development suite for Atari Jaguar

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"JagStudio is an advanced development suite for the Atari Jaguar that allows you to code using Assembler, BASIC or C and is based around Reboot’s powerful RAPTOR API. Regardless of your programming capabilities, Beginners to Advanced...

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    A basic proof of concept tower defense game.
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    The classic game recreated for the Saturn.
    • EmeraldNova
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  • Forsaken Plane (Original)
    Forsaken Plane (Original)
    A quick roleplaying dungeon crawl. Use your arsenal of weapons to fight Goblins and escape the cave.
    • EmeraldNova
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  • GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package)
    GDMenu/OpenMenu HD Theme Manager (All-In-One Package)
    Simple to use app for changing the default background of GDMenu and make/apply themes to OpenMenu
    • RazorX
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