A newbe...of sorts

Alright, well i just bought a neo geo cd off ebay for $91 bucks...not bad huh. Well i just got a few stupid questions.

First of all its a japanese system. i was wondering if it mattered or not whether the games were jap games or us games. I dont know if it had any sort of country code protection on it. It wouldnt make sense though, being as how you can switch back and forth between us and jap.

Next, I know its wrong, but i gotta ask for a good source for Neo Geo cd rips. I'm gonna start buying them like crazy, but of course....well you know

And lastly a very stupid and far fetched question. Is there any way to somehow make a cd using the images of cartrage dumps. I know it has been unsucessfully tried with genesis on the sega cd, but you never know.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Whats with this error 0002 stuff, and what do i need to get around it?

Alright, thats all for now.

Ill try to answer your questions ...first the system does not require japan cds or us cds it doesnt care either way, second get most of the iso/mp3 rips from aceroms.com third yes you can make the cart games work on the cd system, if you know how to program neo geo cds that is.....and fourth read my tutorial to answer all your other questions...
Where's your totorial bro? I would definatly love to read it.

and tell me it wouldnt be super kick ass to create a mark of the wolves cd....Just dreamin
Originally posted by thedeadc@Aug. 01 2002, 3:42 am

Where's your totorial bro? I would definatly love to read it.

and tell me it wouldnt be super kick ass to create a mark of the wolves cd....Just dreamin

You're not looking hard enough. Have you seen this thread</span> on the same forum as this thread?
And lastly a very stupid and far fetched question. Is there any way to somehow make a cd using the images of cartrage dumps. I know it has been unsucessfully tried with genesis on the sega cd, but you never know.

Not directly (well, maybe if it's a really tiny game like Puzzle De Pon), but the two systems are very similar. NGCD is essentially AES/MVS hardware with RAM instead of a cartridge slot, with a few other minor changes (e.g. graphics bit order and interrupt numbers are altered). The biggest problem with porting NG games to NGCD is the limited RAM - even if you can get a game to fit all the data it needs at any given time, you'd still need to alter the game code to deal with the fact that the addresses/tile numbers change when things are swapped into RAM. I think Garou might be a bit of a stretch since it has such huge characters, but if they managed LB2 then I suppose it's not entirely absurd...
i don't personally have a neo geo cd., but i was under the impression that some japanese video game systems needed a step down ., like 110 or something.. ? I know it will work if you just hook it up but isn't it better if you use the recomended voltage
America runs at 120 volts japan runs at 100 volts, allways use a step down transformer in usa for japanese systems.