Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku

Does anybody know how to get the Action Replay to work with this game? The game will not boot up past the Sega logo if you have codes enabled. Or if somebody can point me to a place that can help. Thanks
gedowski said:
Does anybody know how to get the Action Replay to work with this game? The game will not boot up past the Sega logo if you have codes enabled. Or if somebody can point me to a place that can help. Thanks

Unfortunately I don't have an exact fix, but basically the issue as I remember it was that the default master codes generally wrote to the 0x06002800 area in hwram. Which is good and fine in a vast majority of games. However Akumajou Dracula X uses that area for stack or something like that IIRC. So when you start with cheats it ends up overwriting that area causing the game to hang. If someone wants to look further into it, this is what to do. Take the following default master code:

F6000914 C305

b6002800 0000

Adjust the second part of the master code("b6002800 0000") and change it so it's pointing to another address. For example "b60ff000 0000" or something like that.

There's more information on the Yabause wiki on what the master codes do:
