Another web puzzle-type thing

What are the controls supposed to be? Do you always perform an action by clicking somewhere on the image? Or do you need to type words into the keyboard?

The "general hints" says "it's no point and click thing!", but clicking on the door was how to get past screen one. So I assume you always click something, but that hint makes me think you need to do stuff other than click?

And what is the riddle? Is the riddle the title of the page "something was in his way", the name of the file "whydidhedie.htm", or the text that flashes in front of the image "he ENTERED the new world", or the message box that says "trick me" whenever you click on the door handle?

If you solve the riddle, what do you do with it? Are you supposed to type an answer into the keyboard, click on a specific pixel, perform a rain dance, ? there's no instructions for this game anywhere.

"it's no point and click thing" means that this is not a flash-style puzzle game where you can just click around until stuff happens. The riddle is how to get to the next page; text, resource names, and URLs (among other things) are hints. Pretty much nothing is off limits. Hints for the first 7 pages are here.

the message box that says "trick me" whenever you click on the door handle

It doesn't say that when you click the door handle...
The hints say the same thing about not using the mouse. What other input does the game recognize? Does it recognize keyboard input? Does it recognize mouse motion, or dragging, along with clicking?

OK, I figured out #2, but I'm still curious about what kind of input the java image program thing itself can recognize.
"The game" is not a flash applet or anything that has its own environment, it is embodied in the way the site is built. The question you should be asking is not "what other input does the game recognize?", but "what other input does the dialog box recognize?".
There is no "Java image program thing", really. JPEGs are used for static images, GIFs are used for animations (e.g. flashing hint text), and imagemaps are used for clickable regions. I think the Javascript actually only manages the popup in #2, but I'm not sure since it seems to be included in the others. #3, incidentally, is where you really have to start thinking outside the box and try "crazy" stuff.
3 is not done by clicking. In fact, there is no link from #3 to #4.

Edit: stuck on #10. Does the mp3 have anything to do with it?
#10.. yes, it does. think about the password that got you to that page, and also remember that you may have to do more work than you think. 😉
The fact that I read way too much into #9 (suffice it to say that NOT 0x2 = 0x9, and I was rooting around in the CSS) probably threw me off on the work quotient. I just wanted to make sure that it was worth looking into before I started doing things like looking around for tools.
Heh, yeah, those NOTs screwed me up, too. Reminds me of the morgue puzzle in Silent Hill 3 (for those who have played it)- I created an elaborate scheme to solve the puzzle, when in reality the answer was very simple. One must always be careful with this kind of thing - don't overlook the obvious. 😉

edit - oh yeah, another hint for #10, in case you haven't gotten it yet.. the only tools you'll need are winamp and windows sound recorder. Which kind of screwed me up, because I'm running Linux and the sound rec program I have lacks a feature that the Windows one has.
I'm running Linux too. 🙂

I'm fairly confident that mpg123 and sox will do anything I need, but I've been doing other stuff and haven't gotten around to scanning the sox manpage.
Well, if you're familiar with the options that Windows Sound Recorder has, you should be good to go.
Got it... trying to figure out whether or not I need tools for 12. :huh

edit: incidentally, I'm probably going to need the answer handed to me if this relies on the "magic eye" effect; I suspect that my right eye can't focus on those properly.
Look at the resource name in the password dialogue.

Then look at the source code.

You could also try saying the capitalized words out loud.
"water became wine" is a hint, but the key is elsewhere in the source. If you're really stuck I can PM you with further details.
Is it some cultural reference that I'm unlikely to get because I'm not from the USA?

I'll probably kick myself when I find out what it is...

edit: Sorry about that. It's really time for me to get some sleep -- Ex-Cyber