Another web puzzle-type thing

It's not a cultural reference. You're just ignoring a very important line of the source code.

And yeah, you'll probably be kicking yourself just as I did with #9 and #11. 🙂

it290: does #12 require use of external tools and/or the stereoscopic "magic eye" effect?
Nope. That's what I thought, too.. I even went so far as to create an animation to simulate the 3d effect. #12 is probably the least cohesive of all the screens I've been through so far. I'll give you two hints: the first is that you only need one of the images, and the second is that the password dialog is probably the most important thing of all.
it290: Is there some significance to the fact that the images are reversed (the "left eye" image is on the right, "right eye" image is on the left)?
No. You could crop out either one of the images entirely and you wouldn't be missing any information. But keep in mind, the images are smaller (lower res) than usual.
I'm not seeing any connection here.

Is the fact that there's a parallelview.htm a total red herring or what?

Also, does the position of the "12" mean anything?
Nope. I have to say, #12 doesn't really make that much sense. Don't think about it too hard. Just look at the objects in the photo, remember you need one word for the username and one for the password, and think about the phrase 'attention whore'.
I'm stuck on #4. I don't have any image manipulation tools on me so someone please PM me the username\login.
u can do it in MS rlly don't need any toold as long as you can read morse code. Look for signs of morse code 😉.
#9 is all about the source code (HTML, not CSS; ignore the class name). Mind the linebreak, that threw me initially.

edit: I'm really not getting anywhere on #12...
Ok, found out 9, thanks for the help. Shoulda been pretty easy but I made it REAL hard, lol. Looking at 10, is it sumthing obvious? any hints on where to look? I see refrences to the operator women said it, and impatient, and quick quick, don't let me wait. Not sure what they are lookig for here.
sounds backwards or sumthin. When I copied it from the temp. net files dir I listened to it and it didn't have the beeping part though. I tried inverting it, reversing it, etc. and nothing. Sounds like sum dood breathing but I dunno what to do. I am completely lost on what they are fishing for here.
Stuck on #16 for the moment.

it290: if you're still on 13, it's fairly simple in principle (suffice it to say that the theme is "fallen angel"), but a bit too broad unless you can pull the hints out of the image to narrow it down (which I couldn't). I can give you the username if you want; you should be able to figure out the password from that and the hints.

Pearl Jammzz: You're on the right track in terms of manipulating the MP3. Go over the hints again.
can anyone help with 8.

so far i'm getting that j.pac is a band and they have a song called "on the bible" which refers to to that water to wine thing in the source but other than that i'm stuck.
so far i'm getting that j.pac is a band and they have a song called "on the bible" which refers to to that water to wine thing in the source but other than that i'm stuck.

You're completely off, actually. Look at the source code again (not just the comment either), keeping in mind the resource name on the password dialogue.