Attack in New York

If there is anybody from New York...I hope you're safe. I'm in total shock. Someone is going to pay for this outrage. Far from being a relisous person, I still find myself praying for the safety of those involved in this tragedy. God help them.
I would also like to express my condolences to anyone who was deeply affected by this trajedy. I hope that anyone who has been affected will get the help they need
I think all Americans are shook up about this. I'm from Illinois (that is, pretty far from NY) and it still disturbs me. America is known for being safe, and this is the biggest thing to ever happen to us. I think that unfortunately this may not be over. I probably speak for every American when I say that rage over this is an understatement.
I think most people around the world have been shaken by this. I'm in Australia and this has sent shock waves right through the country.

I still can't believe it
I too am from Australia, and can tell you that it has affected us here as well. Watching the news late last night (it happened just before 11pm here), was absolutely shocking, and disgusting that anyone could do this

I can assure you that all the people here in Australia have these poor people and their families in their prayers.
Same thing here in South Africa.

To all those involved or affected by this, our thoughts and hearts go out to you!

I too would like to express my condolences.

As I was going under a overpass on the 24, there were 2 people waving American flags. It amazing (and wonderful) to see people united like this.
I don't think America will ever shut down but I think it will take many years for it to recover mentally and economically. I just hope that it doesn't start another big war. My prays go out to everyone in NY from SA.

(Edited by curly16 at 2:46 am on Sep. 13, 2001)
I think it is not time for talking and time for action

US should just get agreements within the UN to bomb all countries that have anytyhing to do with the terrorists, if WW# breaks I will be first in line to enilst, and lie about my age to go! SABERX!
Quote: from SkankinMonkey on 8:16 pm on Sep. 15, 2001

You can take my place, I'm not fighting bush's nuclear holocaust.
"Operation Noble Eagle". Jesus that sounds dumb.

I'm 16, and I'm glad I am (I'm a couple of years behind drafting age). 🙂
well anyways, this war wont be big, how long can Bin Laden last? hes only in a small country. I hope this war doesnt become too big.
That has to be one of the worst things I have heard ever since the trajedy. Honestly, what would be the point of the US bombing them?! We shouldn't sink to their level.