Buckle Down for Hurricane Francis


Established Member
So yeah, been busy gettin' ready for hurricane francis. On the treasure coast here so its supposedly heading strait for me and my neighbors. All the damn gas stations are out of gas and Home Depots are out of lumber and all the whore houses are out of sluts so the virgins get atleast one screw before they kiss their ass behind.... Who else here is in the line of fire and what are you doing to get ready?
FIRST...all my photographs and photo albums are put into a BIG water proof plastic box! So they will be safe.......then me and my photos and my bebe and brent are gettin the Hell outta here.
Bu Bye tara... ill call you when this is all over. It sounds like its gettin' really bad. werent you evacuated too?
Good Luck. Take care.

I have been through a typhoon before so I have an idea of what is about to happen there. I hope it goes alright
Funny how Richmond took a beating from the remnants of the last one. Don't usually think of someplace so far inland getting trashed, but all that rain in a short period of time... some of the lower areas were flooded so bad that the streets were like rivers, only with lots of cars in them, floating downstream. Although you damn well know there was the one crazy guy with a canoe who was loving the whole thing.

Anyway, I hope everyone in trailers gets the hell out this time around. Not like I recommend people stay regardless, but a trailer just is insane. I know people can be stubborn, but what if it's a 5 and it hits you?
HEH, they evacuated 1 million people most of who were in trailers. They cant literally force you, but they gave the people alot of emptive by sending the bus to houses picking people up from there trailerhomes or beach homes, and had cops driving door to door telling people to leave or atleast give them the name and number of kin. you know incase they DIE.
Good. Anyway, it looks like it's lost a bit of its strength, thankfully. But these things are so damned unpredictable. Stay safe.
OHHHH YEAH, found access to the internet... i have been jonesing so bad. We got TRASHED down here. it was great. except the lack of electricity, and i still dont have internet except for here at work.
I dont think my complex can handle another hurricane so soon. My unit may fair ok, but my neighbors will be screwed, they already lost all the shingles on there roof and they are flooded REAL bad. Hrmmm, ill laugh... i told those bitches to replace their roof, it flooded my house months ago. HAH
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Sep 9, 2004 @ 05:57 PM

Good luck with Ivan, it looks like it is going straight up florida.

Not to mention that its pretty strong right now. Of course, it could veer off left or right and dish it out someplace other than Florida, but I wouldn't count on it.
opp I had to delete a new thread Ive been meaning to make for a few days now when I saw the one below it .

Good luck you all in Florida .