Calling all translators...

I have been desperatly trying to find someone who wanted to work on translating this game for *YEARS*

i have a PAR and a commlink, a modded saturn, a cd burner, so on and so forth. i just need help and support getting started.

if you are interested please contact me
I'm definately interested. I had to stop working on this project because I had no way of transferring saves from the saturn to my pc. (I wrote a program that does the reverse though) I found the font in fire pro, but it isn't doing me anygood. I've tried making a table using thingy and then looking for text, but that doesn't seem to work. This is what I'd like you to do if you could:

1) Make a new save. Completely blank.

2) CAW a wrestler named A

3) Transfer save to your pc

4) Make a new save.

5) CAW a wrestler named B

6) Transfer to your pc

The only thing that should be different between the two files is the name of the wrestler. By using a program that analyzes the hex difference between two files we should be able to guess what is hex for A, and what is hex for B. We could then guess the rest of the alphabet. We could then search through the game for the hex of a certain string, such as "RANDOM". Once that's done, we can guess and test what the rest of the japanese characters are.
If you can download a memory area from the Saturn to your PC, grab the area 0x180000-0x190000 which should be the save memory. Then you can dissect the saves on your PC which should be a lot more comfortable.
Okay, i'll get to work on the saves in a couple of days. i just moved and i am still setting up the house, game systems, and computer, and it seems as if during the move my PC Comms Link cable broke, so i shall be replacing that as well.

FYI, you can probably get a saturn Netlink on Ebay for $10 or so, and i figured out how to send saves using need a pop3 email address to do it though.

A friend of mine, Noob, wrote the Netlink/Directlink FAQ on I gave him all the details about sending saves to your saturn. I think that if one figures out how to use AOL Instant messenger on the saturn, one could actually send save games in real time with another saturn user.

I was actually planning on setting my saturn up to use my broadband. I had ordered a netlink from, but it was cancelled because they didn't have in stock. I wish that was my only problem. My laptop was stolen last week, and seeing how my main pc doesn't have a modem, I can't split my broadband with my netlink, if I ever did get one that is. Oh well that's not important. Take your time getting the saves, there's no real rush.
I'm interested in how you plan to split your broadband connection with your netlink. i didn't think it was possible as there is no broadband adapter for the saturn and the netlink is really just a 28.8 modem. if you do happen to have success with this at a later date, please tell me how you did it. i am certain Noob would like to put it in his FAQ

I will have the saves by sometime next week hopefully.

You should be able to do it by dialing in to your PC with the Netlink and using it as a NAT/proxy. Here's a guide on how to do it for the Dreamcast (it has been mentioned here a couple of times), but the process should be identical for the Saturn. (N00b is aware of the guide, but hasn't included it in his FAQ yet.)