Calypso - Saturn Instrument Maker

Since I couldn't find any tools that gave me full access to the SCSP's unique feature set, I decided to try writing one myself. The result of this effort (and my first serious Sega Saturn project) is Calypso: an interactive sound design program that lets you create and play your own custom instruments on the Saturn from a variety of parameters and samples. Although the program doesn't have much practical use yet, I hope that you enjoy playing around with its FM capabilities and other features—don't hesitate to let me know if you come up with any interesting sounds.


You can download Calypso from its Github releases page. The cue file and source code are inside the included 'Calypso' folder, and be sure to check out the documentation there for detailed information about running, using, and editing the program.

I'd also like to extend a massive thanks to Ponut for developing the ponèSound driver, which is more or less the reason this exists at all.
Big congratulations! All projects taht imvolved de scsp to that level deserves all the respect. Only one question. Do you see possible handle and implement some easy and direct way to use reverb and echo or effects for homebrew projects? Thanks in advance! 🙂
I'm sure it's great, unfortunately there's no way to plug a midi device on the Saturn, as far as I'm aware of.
It would be nice to be able to play some midi files, whether our own or found over the net and be able to tweak instruments here and there
I'm sure it's great, unfortunately there's no way to plug a midi device on the Saturn, as far as I'm aware of.
There was an adapter that was sold bundled with the Saturn Music School games. Now that people have made their own 3D-printed expansion port connectors, it wouldn't be too difficult to make your own. There's probably not much more in it than the connectors and an opto-coupler on the in port.
I couldn't find any pictures of the MIDI adapter internals, so I opened mine up and had a look. There's a bit more in it than I expected, but still not a too complex device.
@hitomi2500 reverse engineered the board and created a gerber file that you can use to make your own midi adapters. As far as I remember, it is basically a serial to serial adapter with some power regulation and circuit protection. I can't seem to find the github link at the moment.

already famous :
