

Staff member
Anyone read anything good lately, or have any recommendations? I've been reading through Marvel Civil War and am liking it so far. Never read many comics myself, so I'm really out of the loop as for what to read.
Civil War... eigh... But the tie-in series, Frontline... AMAZING!

The new Heroes for Hire series SUCKS big time.

Ed Brubaker's Daredevil and Captain America are both at the top of my reading piles now. I'm a HUGE fan of Brian Bendis, but Brubaker's Daredevil may actualy top what Bendis did on the book. And what he's doing with Captain America will one day be spoken of in the same manner as Frank Miller's Daredevil and Dark Knight Returns and Allan Moore's Swamp Thing.

Fables is still as great as ever, and they just launched a spin-off called Jack of Fables focusing on the nimble and quick guy with the beanstalk.

Marvel's whole Ultimate line is going strong. Ult. X-Men's doing the Phoenix thing, and Ult. Spidey's doing the clone saga.

DC's big Infinite Crisis was a bit of a let-down, but some of the relaunches and new teams on the books spinning out of it have been good. Grant Morrison's Batman hasn't been too great, but Paul Dini's Detective has made up for it. Bruce Jones on Nightwing has been decent, and the new guy they got on Robin has been excellent. Oh, and starting in October... RICHARD DONNER IS WRITING SUPERMAN!!!

You may have read in the paper that the new Batwoman character is a lesbian. That's happening in the 52 series. But what I'm surprised you DID NOT read about is that the new CATWOMAN is a lesbian as well. Selena Kyle had a baby and handed the costume over to her friend Holly. She named the baby Hellena, but no word yet on whether Batman is the father (as he was pre-crisis). Catwoman's story is also one of the best things spinning out of Identity Crisis, as it was revealed she was one of the villians whose minds were altered by certain members of the JLA.
Yeah, yeah... I'm looking at it like when J. Michael Strazynski (or how ever it is spelled) started writing Amazing Spider-Man. I'm ordering his first story arc just for the collector value, then probably eBaying it as soon as the demand peaks. Supes is not a line I want to start collecting right now.
i dont read any marvel or dc, imostly image with other indie comics.

my favorite comics are:

The Savage Dragon


The Walking Dead

Noble Causes
