Flipping the bird to the H2

I am all for flipping those H2's off... My gf's uncle has one and they are loud, suck gas like crazy, and ugly.

I would just buy a tank :lol:
Originally posted by Quadriflax@Jul 13, 2004 @ 06:50 PM

Making the H2 pretty much just another rich man's toy.

They aren't that expensive, and unfortunately, after the initial craze over them, GM is offering ridiculous financial incentives to buy them.

Initially that wasn't the case though. The H2 was the first US vehicle to sell as well as it did out of Detroit without any financial incentives (i.e. $0 down, 3% financing). The sales craze died after about a year of hurried sales.

It's kind of like the what Lincoln is now doing with the Navigator and Aviator - you can test drive the car for 24 hours, and they'll give you vouchers to go to any restaurant you desire (generally very expensive places), and some spending money. Wildly popular, it has been.

The SUV unfortunately is here to stay... mostly because companies are shoving them down our throats (it was a cash cow of the mid/late 90s up until circa mid 2002).
The SUV unfortunately is here to stay... mostly because companies are shoving them down our throats (it was a cash cow of the mid/late 90s up until circa mid 2002).

I think the "SUV boom" is little more than a very clever marketing scheme. Most of the "SUV" vehicles sold today are not usefully SUVs at all, but rather resemble minivans with truck frames and four-wheel drive. It's a fusion of the family-friendly minivan with the power/adventure motif traditionally used to sell real SUVs like the Jeep Wrangler. That many of these vehicles aren't actually intended to drive on anything more treacherous than a snowy dirt road is pretty much irrelevant to the average consumer, what's important is the illusion of power.
yeah prime example: my wife hates minivans. See thinks they are all driven by soccer-moms. But since we plan on having kids, she wants an SUV. I won't let her get a huge one though. Probably something like a RAV4 or Highlander (gas milage is important to me too).
The funniest part is alot of SUV these days are 2WD only....which sort of defeats the purpose. Basically an SUV is a truck frame with a station wagon body on it.

I feel safer with the large trucks (18 wheelers and such) than I do with large SUV. At least the truck drivers had to get a TRUCK license while the SUV drivers only have regular car licenses.
My friend's wife just inherited a '94 Jeep Cherokee. I've only been in it a few times, but just going around certain corners makes it feel like it's going to tip over.
Originally posted by gameboy900@Jul 15, 2004 @ 06:04 PM

I feel safer with the large trucks (18 wheelers and such) than I do with large SUV. At least the truck drivers had to get a TRUCK license while the SUV drivers only have regular car licenses.

True, but after you have a few truck drivers who either 1) Don't know that you are next to them or 2) Don't CARE that you are next to them, and they start coming into your lane...

I think everyone should have to take tests to qualify for different vehicle size classes. That'd kill SUV sales pretty quick after incompetent drivers prove their incompetence.
Originally posted by Alexvrb@Jul 15, 2004 @ 11:17 PM

True, but after you have a few truck drivers who either 1) Don't know that you are next to them or 2) Don't CARE that you are next to them, and they start coming into your lane...

wow that sounds like my daily experiences driving a 20 miles to work in my Corolla