Fuzzy Image on Model 1 MD/Genny


Established Member
Hey guys, either my A/V Cables are bad, or the plugin on the MD/Genny are dirty/bad. I've tried cleaning the contacts on the cart port, cleaning the A/V plugin, cleaning the A/V plugin on the MD/Genny and 32x, and the image is still pretty fuzzy. Have my A/V Cables gone bad? I tried it on my friend's Model 2 which I've been borrowing for the last year and a half, and the image is still pretty fuzzy, not as fuzzy though. I've tried everything on BOTH the Model 1 and 2. The image is just clear enough to get by the Model 2, but I want the clearest image possible, so I can use my Model 1, and eventually give back my friend's Model 2.
pherhaps you have interference? try wrapping the entire thing in aluminium foil, or at least put metal around it, to block RF waves.
Hm... it helped a little bit. I still get a fuzzy image (although not AS fuzzy), but I want a 100% clear picture. What else can I do?

Edit: The image on the Model 2 is what had improved. The image on the Model 1 is just as fuzzy.
have you tried hooking up the model 1 to a friend's TV, and seeing if it's still fuzzy? then, if it is better, moving it next to your TV, and testing it? and then swapping tvs?
My MD1 does it too, I've found, that maybe the connector has become damaged or loose, because if i move the plug about and wire, it improves it. It isnt the cable, tried it with my Master System and Saturn
I was thinking the same thing. use substitution to find out what part is giving you the trouble.

since I have never actually had the guts to open up my Genny model 1, I was wondering if anyone else ever did, and seen if where the A/V port is connected to the main system board, and see if that wire is loose or could be safely wrapped in A.F. for interference.
Open it up and check the soldering connections on the A/V port...

Resolder them and it should be tight like new... I had to do this to a friends Genny once... And it worked great.
Hm.. last week, I ordered two A/V Cables (Official Sega Barnd, Red, White, and Yellow). I tested it with my friend's Model 2, and the image was amazingly clear! I tried it on me Model 1, and it's STILL really fuzzy! I tried on my TV upstairs in the living room with the Model 1, and the image is as clear as day. Very odd... I really don't wanna go the foil route again. But if I have to... Imma try the foil with the Model 1. Anyone got any other advice/help?

Edit: Damn... The foil didn't help. The image is very clear on the TV upstairs, but on the TV that all my other games consoles are connected to, it's fuzzy as hell. The Model 2, on the TV with the 10 consoles connected, is very clear and clean. What's the deal with my Model 1?
Using a 32x, I assume.

That is really weird, but from what you've described it sounds like it's gotta be interference. Try unplugging all the crap that's unnecessary when using the model 1. Hmm, what else... are the RF shields in place on the inside of your Genesis? And are you using the metal clips that came with the 32x?
I don't get any interference from my other nine consoles. And no, I'm not using the metal clips that came with my 32x. I checked the metal plates in the Model 1 MD/Genny, and they're all solidly in place. I don't get it... Should I get a Nomad for Xmas, I'll just use that as my primary MD/Genny (as I don't play my Mega CD or 32x very much). SPEAKING of MEGA CD! For some reason, with the Model 1 connected, the image is also very clear. Maybe it's dirty cartridges? But I've tried some clean ones, and it's still fuzzy. Yes, I've cleaned the cart ports on the Model 1 MD/Genny, and the 32x. Hm... how do I fix the interference? Bah... I'm playing with my friend's Model 2 at the moment, but I'd rather use MY Model 1.
So you're saying that Sega CD games give a clear image, but Genesis games do not? I guess it could be something screwy with the cartridge port, perhaps not dirt since you've cleaned it. I know I get audio interference w/dirty carts sometimes. Have you tried using the model 1 by itself without the 32x attached?
Yes, I've tried it without the 32x. Still really fuzzy. The carts are fine, as on the Model 2, they're very clear. I don't get it....
Try different power adapters. You might have one that's not working good anymore. Attaching the SCD is porbably providing some sort of grounding to the Genesis which could get rid of some interference.