Okay, after a couple hours work, I've decided the video I'm going to send you will be in divx 3.11 Fast motion at a high bitrate. The reasoning? well, if I capture in YUV2, we're looking at 10+ minutes to actually capture 1 minute of footage (it saving to the hard drive and all and copying files around), then I have to re-encode it. If I try and record directly to xvid I get only sound, and if I record directly to divx 5.1 it drops 50% of the frames. None of those sound good. Divx 3.11 I get no frame drops, good video, and I don't have to re-encode.
Even if I didn't care about having to re-encode, compressing to xvid returns 1 error message and encoding to divx 5.1 gives another message, but in either case those don't seem to want to work at all lol. If you need the codec I can provide it for you.