GEN Emulator on SS


Established Member
I am very interested in coding a genesis emulator for the SS, is there any possibility in something like that actually working? or would it be too complicated?
Have you seen how fast Denis' SMS emulator runs?

I don't want to rain on your parade but to quote Denis:

RIGHT now i checked sonic on real saturn (on little modified 2nd version) - no gfx glitches at all. About speed - when you set frame_skip - to minimum value (i.e. no skips at all) - it's about 4 times slower then real SMS.
What does this say about emulating a Genesis?

BTW how's the Phantasy Star game coming along?
Well, that was an unfinished emulator that he was working on, if someone knows their way around coding and such it can be fast.

I'm still working on the story for the PS game, and I might add, its a #### good story, you guys will think its PSV 😉 The music is being professionally done.
Quote: from Ratamahatta on 12:42 am on Mar. 8, 2002

Well, that was an unfinished emulator that he was working on, if someone knows their way around coding and such it can be fast.
It's good that you're optimistic 🙂
IMO, a decent Genesis emulator for Saturn *might* be possible, but it would almost certainly require:

1) A recompiling 68000 emulator - AFAIK an interpretive core would simply take too much of a hit due to pipeline flushing on branches.

2) Using the Saturn graphics hardware to emulate the Genesis graphics hardware - this could end up requiring that certain aspects of the Genesis VDP not be emulated properly because there's no reasonable analog in the VDP1/2 feature set.
Would be VERY hard to do...I agree...your asking the SS to be backward compat..... Sorta hard to do...DC had a easy time as it was windows CE...
...but there arn't that many genny emus for DC... I think its possiable but you yould need it at the basic minimums (no Game Genie,etc) but wouldn't menacer emulation be possiable with a stunner ? the same could apply to Sms emulators

oh well i'm a iddot 😛
wouldn't menacer emulation be possiable with a stunner ? the same could apply to Sms emulators

Probably, but it depends on the mechanisms used by the guns to make everything work.
I dunno what you are but for now i'm the only "idiot" on SX, i'm only an idiot because I made a wish and Arakon made it come true.
You may be the only one with the title of 'Idiot', but there are many others that aspire to it. 😉
Acctually, it isn´t all that hard to make a Genesis emulator for Saturn. There are already one: games like Sonic Jam and Phantasy Star Collection uses a genesis emulator to play the games, and they run perfect! The only thing they don´t emulate is the sound, which is remade.
I don't think those games are emulated, more like recompiled and programed from the original source.
I have also thought about that possibility, but i am not shure if it is as easy as it sounds. But if it would work, it would be #### cool! Also, i saw that there are another Saturn game using the same engine, it is called Micky and Donald somthing and contains Quackshot and Land of Ilusion.
I don't think it's quite that simple.

I seem to remember hearing somewhere that someone tried swapping 'english' roms for the japanese ones in PSC and it didn't run.

I can't remember for sure...but there's only one way to find out. ExCyber, do you have the technology? 😉