The bilinear bug aside, turning the Geforce's own antialias to 4X makes everything look a lot smoother.
I don't remember the drivers I used... it has been a looong time since I booted Win98, and that was before I re-installed both OS'es (98 and 2K).
It was either 41.09 (came with the card) or the 44.03. XFX Geforce 2MX, 64MB 64-bit SDR AGP 4X.
It had a bug that kept bilinear filtering *always* on in Direct3D applications, even if the textures are set ti point sampling. At the time I found it annoying, because it caused bugs with the cell shading effect I was working on in my small 3D experiences.
It was by that time (way before GG hack existed) that I got the Cyberdisc emulator demo running (all legal - it was a demo!), and I was amazed at how it ran the Shining Force 3 demo. It was all filtered, of course, due to the card's bug, but I tought that was the default behavior
Originally posted by Supergrom@Mar 11, 2004 @ 01:53 AM
how fast is your processor if you can run those games at that resolution on a geforce 2mx? I have an athlon 2400+ with a geforce 2mx and a 1700+ with a geforce 2 pro; is there a way i could find these "defective" drivers and get such results?
Resolution is not the matter, since the bottleneck in any Saturn emulator is not drawing the polygons at the screen, but emulating the processors itself. With GG hack and Satourne, an Athlon 1700+ should do fine for most games.
Of course, since Satourne is not complete, and GG hack is... well, an emulator hacked to run any games from media it should not access. So there are plenty of games that won't run at full speed, no matter what's your setup.