
Well, even though MS is pure evil, looks like were all going to have to buy an xbox. Sega is supporting them ten fold, and I have to play the new Panzer Dragoon, one way or the other.
Hey .. some of you people talk and really dont know what Dreamcast ment to others .. i really put big big hope on this system .. now its dead .. why ? because of something happened long time ago and because of some other f*cken companies .. ill be stuck with my Dreamcast forever .. even if i have to buy games only from ebay for highest prices .. and curse Microsoft ..
Sega did their best to try and creat a succesful system, but their was one very major technical element working against the DC, no DVD. The DC can in many instances out perform the ps2 because of its mass amounts of vram, but because of sega using their specialy encoded GD's segas machine can't do many things graficaly that thew ps2 can. Besides the storage problem GD's presented, they were also extreamly easy to make copies of. Their are probably more copies of DC games out their then actual ones, this drove sega into a financhial snare which they were hoping the DC would cure for them.

Over all the DC is a wonderful machine with tons of great games, but in the end, its small storage size and falty encription code was all it took to become the underdog in the next gen system wars.
Sega can do better than that .. and believe me .. they will .. i swear to god that Sega will be back to the top .. i know it and i believe in it .. SONY SUCK!!
Its actualy quite posible that many years from now sega will make their own systems again. You know sega hasn't always been a hardware developer, they used to make games for othe rsystems back in the days of the atari. In fact, I actualy have an atari 2600 game that was made by sega, its called "Carnival", very creative name, don't you think? 😛
Yeah .. pretty creative 🙂

well i think it wouldnt take Sega so many years to make a system .. i wont predict but they will stand on their feet again ..
Quote: from Fabrizo on 8:24 pm on Oct. 13, 2001

Besides the storage problem GD's presented, they were also extreamly easy to make copies of.

If I remember it took more than a year for somone to be able to read gd-roms, and another year after that before the method became public knowledge, on the other hand I saw ps2 games getting copied less than a month after its release.
I think PSX and PS2 CD copyin is pretty easy .. i know it has protection but i agree with Service Games on that point i guess ..
Well, the thing is the DC hasn't been out for two years, so their is no way it took two yeras for it to become public knowledge. Besides, what do you see people trying to sell more of, copied DC games, or copied PS2 games?

(Edited by Fabrizo at 5:15 pm on Oct. 14, 2001)
Yeah .. everyone knows thats hes not just evil ... hes a cheater .. he did that many times .. making a windows or a program and when people realize that its messed up he simply says "it was just a demo" .. what a loser .. his #### way to get money is unfair .. this guys will do anything to get aother dollar in his pocket.. #### .
So you were replying to messages in two different windows death? Wow, you have now reached a whole new level of spamming L/K 🙂