Gunstar Heroes or Contra: Hard Corps?


Established Member
Hey guys, I hope to get a Nomad from the friend whom I was trying to get the 'Box from (his name? Lockecole2 😛). Along with a couple other games (STRIDER! :bow :bow :bow), I'm having trouble deciding between Gunstar Heroes or Contra: Hard Corps. I know Gunstar is made by Treasure, but I'm leaning towards Contra. I dunno.... I'll need to spend more time with both ROMs. Hm..

BTW, Locke and I are both getting COMPLETE copies of Castlevania: Bloodline for only $10 each! Heh... I just had to brag about that 😛 :cheers 😀 :hehehe: :smokin: :drool:
Toys R Us stills sells MegaDrive games!? My friend said his dad bought two Nomads from there for about $35 each. I honestly think he's just pulling my leg, given how much I lust for a Nomad...
Alot of the Toys R Us' around here seem to have lots of surplus, alot of the old stuff is behind the counter, I haven't seen a nomad lately though.

Edit: Also, I think i'm one of the few people that didn't enjoy Gunstar Heroes; I voted for Hard Corps.
never did play that gunstar but that contra game is in a class of its own, used to play that hoe all day in night wit my kinfolk...not the best contra game but it was the one wit the most challenged but i gotta go wit the snes contra game III: legacy of war, that hoe was Fantastic.
Gunstar Heroes all the way man - I have both. Contra is a great game too, but you have to be quite good at Contra to get far (it's the most difficult in the series), and I don't think it would be that great on a Nomad screen. Gunstar is a lot more varied as well.
I don't care how good Contra is -- Gunstar Heroes is still a must-play for anybody how remotely likes the genre
I enjoyed the Gunstar Heroes you speak of. but i was to thinking that the Contra would be redundant, it would. does anyone have an extra copy of the Contra to donate to me, why dont ya? So I can compare it why not?

(the above is to be read in a slightly alien elderly psuedo-jewish voice)

note: I hate emulators and for some reason contra will not work on the TOTOTEK cart. :huh:
I've decided on Contra fdor now. After playing both ROMs a bit more, Contra is my choice. But I WILL buy Gunstar Heroes eventually.
I prefer Gunstar Heroes although I love Contra.

Gunstar Heroes is funnier, more colourful and "happier". Contra is more serious and darker. If you want manga characters try Gunstar Heroes and if you want a real challenge try Contra the hard corps.

On the one hand Konami did good games for Genesis (but their favourite console was SNES), on the other hand Treasure rules.