History game!


Established Member
Ok, I have a game for us. I think it will be fun. I got the idea from a post I made in one of Duds B/S/T threads. It went as follows.

Originally posted by lordofduct

You just bought all this stuff a mere 2 weeks ago!!!! hrmm... and you aren't even making money on it either, seriousily guys, good deals here, and at cost!

i'm trying to get out of the collecting scene too (its hard, its like crack I swear!). But that genny and Sega CD deal just is, grrrr, resist Dylan, RESIST!

Oh and for those weirdos out there... my post count right now is 1692! That is the year of the Salem witch trials!!! I don't know why that came to me, but I saw my post count and I was like, "hey, thats that year of the salem witch hunt!". I remember learning about that when I visited "the house of 7 gables" in Mass. I lived a short drive away from it.

And AFTER dud's response to this... his post count is 1844. That is the year Friedrich Nietzsche was born to all you atheists out there!

So here is the game, look at your post count prior to posting, if it is in a valid year. (1-2005) then post with a tidbit of info. from that year.

I.E. Mine is 1692 - the year of the Salem Witch Trials.

Also for you who have more then 2005 posts, try using the Hebrew Calendar! Seeing as it is the year 5765 (yeah I had to look that up, Im not jewish) So it gives more range. Just convert back... such as if your post is 5400 then use the year 1639!

conversion tool found here

Im a fucking dweeb! Aren't I?
Hmmm...can't find a year that matches 2595, but here is an interesting stroy from the past about a restored B-17A bomber, serial number 41-2595. 🙂
November of 1718 Edward Teach (blackbeard- the infamous pirate of the carribean) was killed.

Actually, Teach did quite a bit of piratin' in North America as well. Just a little fun fact.
Yes, but he was mostly infamous for his works of rading the booz and mallasses making islands of the Carribean.

another fun fact, for being so infamous, his reign only lasted about 2 years... 1716-1718
1731 - 10 Downing Street becomes the official residence of the United Kingdom's Prime Minister when Robert Walpole moves in.

I seem to be the only one playing... I seriousily think this is fun! Does this make me weird?
My post count is out of range (even for the Hebrew calendar), but I'll just change the '2' to a '1':


Samuel Pepys, President of the Royal Society, dies.

November 2nd, 1983 the most historical thing happend. Your lives have all been changed due to this fateful day. I was born at 9:15 PM EST weighing in at an ironic 9 and 1/4 lbs
Our post counts are almost the same now...

1992 - Quentin Tarantino makes his directorial debut with the film Reservoir Dogs (not counting My Best Friend's Birthday)
The Intel 8008 was an early microprocessor designed and manufactured by Intel, and introduced in April, 1972.
210 AD, the year Galen died, a philosopher, physician, anatomist, who became famous for his descriptions of human anatomy, which were considered authoritive for the next 1000years(and we all know how good medecine was in the middle ages).