I think the parallel port is too slow to be used alone. IIRC it maxes out at around 2MSPS (under ideal conditions) and the CD interface runs at something like 8MHz.
edit: there might be some way to use DSO-style techniques to capture some of the signal, but as soon as anything depends on the physical timing of the drive mechanisms your timing model would probably be shot...
A scope with sample and hold capabilities. Way off budget for most of us i would imagine unless your employment or educational facility brought you into contact with one.
I was referring to the ability of DSOs to examine a regular waveform with a frequency much higher than their raw sampling rate by phase-shifting the sample timing and reconstructing the waveform. Identical techniques obviously would not work for sampling the CD bus since it is not a regular waveform, but I thought it might be possible to pin down the timing well enough to take multiple samples over several runs. It was just kind of a random idea, I don't know if anyone's implemented anything like it.
Also, some people are specialized in programing/reading PICs and EEPROMS, etc.. They might be able to read the modchip's PIC. Here in Spain I found some, but they do not guarantee anything..
MrSporty, do you know at what frequency (bit rate) do serial MCU lines work?? (at what rate its clock line works). And data stream ?? I need to know this in order to see if I can build a suitable logic analyzer...
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