Hot deals

I got these 2 Master System games for a measley £1 from a car boot/open air market/flee market what ever you call it today.It was a bad turn out very few people but these were worth it.And I got 12 Speccy tapes for 50pence,last week I got like 100 assorted 8 bit tapes CPC,C64,Speccy for £6 and a Amiga disk drive,PSU and box of games a £1!!when it was raining and people where running for it LOL

Oh I forgot to mention I found a fully working 486 SX20 with Window 95 on in a muddy field,I just picked it up,someone dumped had it.It has 8MB ram and a 170MB HD but the CD-ROM looks new its white coloured!!!Just had to work around the system key lock.But its okay now.

Anyhow heres the games I here Golden Axe Warrior is kinda rare its a RPG.

Just bought Super Monkey Ball Jr. for GBA brand new for $10 at GameStop (in Vacaville, CA).

At first I thought it was a pricing error, but it was for real.

Great game at a great price.

Your Milage May Vary
Just bought Alien Front Online Used with mic for $5 at my local Gamecrazy. The Dreamcast Game they sell between $.99 to $20. I also bought there a DC keyboard for $3 while I bought a DC Mouse for $10 along with Outtrigger and Daytona USA at $10.
I got GBC Survival Kids complete for $6, a GameSaver for SNES $1.97, Sega Saturn multi-tap for $1.97, and a Street Fighter Anniversary strategy guide w/CD soundtrack for $3.97. All at a local used record store.
I'll back-up Gamestation, great shop. I've seen Burning Rangers (which I bought), Sonic Jam, Sonic R, Bug Too! (which is pretty rare...if you like Bug! that is), Baku Baku, Worms and loads more.

Itgames is a good one to check out as well, has quite a large selection of old stuff including Saturn, SNES, N64 and even some Japanese stuff. Not bad at all.
Just picked up Viewtiful Joe 2, Geist, and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles at Toys ® Us for 10 bucks each- from what i've heard on anandtech forums Resident Evil 4 was supposed to be 10 bucks too, but I didn't see it at my closest Toys R Us. (Alhambra, CA)

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