How do you tell Sega from 3DO ALG Gamegun?

I have an ALG gamegun I got at a used game store some time ago. I had assumed all this time it was the genesis version. However, I just recently tried using it on two recent aquisitions, Corpse Killer and Mad Dog McCree. The gun is simply not recognized on either game.

So, eithe the gun is broken, or I was thinking, maybe it's actually the 3DO version instead?

There's no markings anywhere to indicate which. Just says made in china. It has a start button on each side and this "mortar" switch which is actually the sight which is movable. I have no idea what that is.

The cord looks like a genesis style cord (though of course both 3DO and Genesis share the same DB9, but usually the 3DO plugs are more rounded on the ends, having less "D" shape).

I guess I'll have to pick up a 3DO gun game to tell.
Doesn't the Justifier have a modular connector to attach a second gun rather than having each one connected directly to a controller port? I seem to remember there being specific "player 1" and "player 2" models of the gun with something similar to a phone cord connecting them together. There's a slim chance that I'm actually thinking of the Sega gun, but I'm pretty sure it was some third-party one...
Jedi Master Thrash said:
So, eithe the gun is broken, or I was thinking, maybe it's actually the 3DO version instead?

There should be a decal on the side. The 3DO version's decal has the 3DO logo and the Sega CD's decal at least says SEGA CD. It'd be weird if there's was no decal unless it was removed.

Also I know that the 3DO version's cord had an extra connector so you could hook two together (since the 3DO only has one controller port). AFAIK there wasn't a special "second player" gun like there was for the Justifier.

Can you post any pics of it?

ExCyber said:
Doesn't the Justifier have a modular connector to attach a second gun rather than having each one connected directly to a controller port? I seem to remember there being specific "player 1" and "player 2" models of the gun with something similar to a phone cord connecting them together.

Yes that's the Justifier exactly. The "second player" gun is pink.