How long have you been writing Fan Fiction?


Established Member
My very first fanfic I wrote was back in 5th Grade. It was an FFVII one, as I had just fallen in love with the game and all. It was a "Tall Tales" assignment. We had to write a "Tall Tale". I was originally going for a complete novelization of the game, but since I wasn't very far or anything, and the assignment was due soon, I got to when Cloud meets Aeris, then just made everything up from there. It actually wasn't that bad. I still have it in my room upstairs. Maybe I should type it out (it written on notebook paper) and show it to you guys... :lol:

My second fanfic I wrote was back in 6th grade. About six months or so after the FFVII one. We had a class assignment, in that we had to Create a Character, and write about him. I, of course, created Cloud. But then the story was about me, and Cloud was my friend! And that wasn't the assignment! :lol: I felt daring by putting in a few "sex scenes" between myself and a few of the females. Of course, all I said was "We did something I can't talk about right now." :lol: It was kinda lame. I had to take these out of the final draft of course, as I was handing it in. The final draft is WAY different from the rough draft. I've been meaning to type it out (It's on notebook paper as well), for a few years now... What it's about is that Cloud and I go to college together, and we're roomates. Tifa and Aeris are there as well. Of course, Aeris is my girl, as Tifa has been Cloud's since the beginning (Take that all you Tifa haters! Okay that was lame... :lol:). Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, The Inner Senshi, and Myself are all about to have a party, when Sephiroth attacks! It's actually quite ridiculous... Then again, I WAS only 11, and in sixth grade at the time.

My next fanfic was around six months or so. This was gonna be a sequel to "The Dream", entitled "The Return of Sephiroth" but I decided not to do so, as I want a fic like that to be HUGE, and I was of course on a deadline (class assignment). This was called "Attack of The Red Slime Monster". Cloud, Squall, The Inner Senshi, and myself are all living together in a house in California (What the hell I'm doing in CALIFORNIA is beyond me... :puke:), when The Red Slime Monster attacks. It's quite lame.. But hey! I was only a sixth grader at the time. :lol: I didn't write another fanfic for over a year after that though.

Summer of 2000 (I believe it was July), I started working on "The Return of Sephiroth" which was the sequel to "Attack of The Red Slime Monster" and thus, would be the end of The Sephiroth Trilogy. Not only is this quite possibly my worst fic, but also my most controversal.... Sephiroth comes back, when Cloud and I keep insisting that we destroyed him three years ago back at Iowa State.... :unsure: Due to all the controversy surrounding this fic, I had to scrap many of the ideas I had in my head for both this one, and my next fic. I didn't finish this fic until June of 2001. I cannot show it to any of you guys though. I can only show it to select people...

I started my next trilogy a few months later or so (Hell, I can't even remember when I started it, might've even been a year later...). I got about two or three pages into it, then just gave up. I was out of ideas. My Sailor Moon fandom was dwindling, so I didn't really want to make it somewhat Sailor Moon themed. And all my ideas for it just lame. I'm still stuck where I was, and have moved on to the second part of the trilogy. But it does have the greatest sex scene I've ever written...

The second part of my trilogy (which is on this site), I started early last year. "Reunion" as it was called. Naomi takes Cloud and I to Algo, to investigate all these attacks, that have been going on. This fic, I am trying to avoid any really lame stuff, and going for a more darker story. Well, maybe not this one, but Part III will be dark. I'm trying to go with a more serious approach to this one. The one on the site is from a year ago. This summer alone, I've easily added three or four new pages. I'm sending to Ice sometime soon.

Title: Final Fantasy VII

Setting: Midgar

Date: Whenever the hell FFVII takes place

Characters: Cloud Strife, Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Vincent Valentine

Plot: The Shinra Corporation is sucking the life of the planet with it's Mako Reactors. Cloud joins the renegade group AVALANCHE, to help destroy the reactors, and bring Shinra down.

Title: The Dream (Actually a temporary name, but it just stuck.) (Sephiroth Trilogy Part I)

Setting: Iowa State University

Date: October 2005

Characters: Dylan Schmidt (Myself), Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Amy Anderson (Sailor Mercury), Raye Hino (Sailor Mars), Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter), Minako Aino (Sailor Venus), Darien Chiba (Tuxedo Mask) Luna, Artemis,

Plot: Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, The Inner Senshi, and Myself are about to have a party, when Sephiroth attacks our dorm!

Title: Attack of The Red Slime Monster (Sephiroth Trilogy Part II)

Setting: My house in California (We all live together in the same house)

Date: September 2007

Returning Characters: Dylan Schmidt (Myself), Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Amy Anderson (Sailor Mercury), Raye Hino (Sailor Mars), Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter), Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)

New Characters: Squall Leonheart

Plot: We're all enjoying ourselves, when the Red Slime Monster attacks!

Title: The Return of Sephiroth (Sephiroth Trilogy Part III)

Setting: My house in California

Date: January 2008

Returning Characters: Dylan Schmidt (Myself), Cloud Strife, Squall Leonheart, Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Amy Anderson (Sailor Mercury), Raye Hino (Sailor Mars), Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter), Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)

New Characters: Jenna, Zell Dincht, Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Uranus, Michiru Kaioh (Sailor Neptune), Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto)

Plot: We're all just hanging out, when Cloud starts acting weird. A couple days later, Sephiroth attacks.

Title: Zio Trilogy Part I (aka Ultimecia/Dream/Time/Algo/Galaxia Trilogy)

Setting: The Annals of Time

Date: October 2008

Returning Characters: Dylan Schmidt (myself), Cloud Strife, Jenna, Squall Leonheart, Zell Dincht Tifa Lockheart, Aeris Gainsborough, Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon), Amy Anderson (Sailor Mercury), Raye Hino (Sailor Mars), Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter), Minako Aino (Sailor Venus), Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Uranus), Michiru Kaioh (Sailor Neptune), Setsuna Meioh (Sailor Pluto)

New Characters: Zidane Tribal, Vivi Orunitia

Plot: Jenna gets kidnapped by some unknown force via a time gate thing. We all go after her. We all get separated through time, and things go to hell.

Title: Reunion ( Zio Trilogy Part II (aka Time/Algo/Galaxia Trilogy))

Setting: The Algo Solar System

Date: January 2009

Returning Characters: Dylan Schmidt (Myself), Cloud Strife, Naomi (Jenna)

New Characters: Mika, Paige

Plot: Naomi comes and gets Cloud and I to come to Algo with her and help with the investigation of attacks on Algo.
Well, my first fan fic was in damn, 2nd grade... that was 1990, it was a fic a bout Mario i think... i just know it was in 2nd grade because i was in Hazardville Memorial Elementary, i know that. 3rd grade was my next fan fic. It was over christmas break just after my 8th birthday about SONIC... i had gotten a sega genesis for my birthday. It was for a school project that had to be about someones first time seeing christmas and how they would react. I wrote about Sonic seeing his first christmas in my house.

I wrote maybe a couple more (it was over a decade ago i hardly remember.) I stopped in 94' with my fan fic i described in clouds other forum about a boy who lived in two dimensions and in one he was sonic.

Ill probably never write another fan fic in my life... I still give cameo's to characters sometimes, like in a novel i wrote in 9th grade i gave a cameo to some PS4 characters in my novel "Through the Glass Eyes of a Teenager".
While in 3rd grade or so, I wrote a story about a vampire which was somewhat inspired by Castlevania. The only part I remember was that he became a vampire after drinking blood or something. I wish i could find old papers of mine, that would be pretty trippy to read after all these years.

edit: and I also tried to novelize Phantasy Star sometime when i was a kid- I even typed it up so it could look manuscripty.
i was thinking about writing a fan fic again... but then i decided against it... im gonna write an RPG script, based on my super hero and super villain i invented in my dreams, they are Lord of Duct vs. Dr. Thodt.
It seems as though I'm the only fic writer on here...

I'm working on a special one right now for a good friend of mine (Only she may see it).

I haven't worked on my current Trilogy on awhile though....
I've never written a fan-fic, but I do have a kick ass idea:

an ultra-violent Sonic the Hedgehog Manga
I'm currently in the process of typing out my old hand-written fanfics. Over four years late, as I've been meaning to do this since Summer 2000... :damn:

I'm gonna type them out exactly as they are in their original form (spelling and grammar errors and all!), then I'm going to revise them as well.

"The Dream" is gonna be a fun one to revise... :hehehe:
Haha... :lol:

You enjoyed the one I wrote for you though right? :unsure:

Although I did kinda screw up the ending... :damn: