How old is SX ?

Cloud121 said:
Okay, now I'm unable to edit my posts more than once? Odd.... Anyway, I guess I can read all the old posts by going the long way, by following the pages in each sub-forum, but am unable to search for threads/posts started by members via their profile page.

I think I fixed the post listing / searching. You can see some older ones on the profile page, and if you use the advanced search + your user name it should find all of them now.

Just tripped back over the site while reviewing some of my old bookmarks. Guess this is year check in(?). Nice updated look to the joint. How is everyone doing?
Kuta said:
Everyone is doing fine. What news do you have for us?

News?! Ha! You must have me confused with someone who has a life. Only thing new for me is I moved back to AZ about a year ago. I was in NJ.
Falstaff48 said:
News?! Ha! You must have me confused with someone who has a life. Only thing new for me is I moved back to AZ about a year ago. I was in NJ.

Where in NJ were you?

I have two kids now. Sonic is my daughter's favorite video game character, and she throughly enjoys sonic 2. At moment though, her favorite game is Bejeweled 2. For a five year old, she's pretty good at it (100K+ scores if we let her go long enough).
I'm checking in too. Had my 1st kid, a daughter born Jan. 4th 2012. Named her Allie Nicole

Still able to play games, but mostly on my android phone as I watch her. Crazy how good the emulators are getting. Even fullspeed PSX and N64. Eventually the day will come for Saturn emulation on a phone. Certainly miss this sites heyday, (agreed 2001-2004) . But will always comeback, hopefully one day we can get the site activity back up.
Hate to sound trendy but perhaps we can start a facebook group for Segaxtreme. It would be cool to have pics and vids, etc on it. Nothing "illegal" of course. haha

oops double post
Waaaazup? Graduated school for now, had a boy at the begining of the year. Still gaming. I bought a warehouse to stockpile arcade parts and attempt to fix machines. Hasn't panned out so well so far but Im still enjoying myself.
Yup, for collectors, or nostalgics of that era ...

I have a bunch of arcade stuff myself, mostly pcbs, mostly not working properly, and I love trying to fix them
(I'm awaiting a delivery of 80 Jamma and non Jamma boards in the next 15 days
Runik said:
Yup, for collectors, or nostalgics of that era ...

I have a bunch of arcade stuff myself, mostly pcbs, mostly not working properly, and I love trying to fix them
(I'm awaiting a delivery of 80 Jamma and non Jamma boards in the next 15 days

Runik, I'm in your "To loose" (Toulouse) town
The problem is, all of the people who have the knowledge have gone on to other stuff, and those who don't, aren't interested. The type of person who can appreciate SEGA is a pretty narrow slice of society, when you consider the that the last Sega system came out over ten years ago. So people don't have much to say. There's not much news coming down the pipe. Me, I blame Sammy.
Checking in after over a year. Is it just me, or is this the most active thread on the site?

Picked up Sonic All-Stars Racing for Wii U at launch, and it's easily my favorite game of the launch crop. Just one big love letter to us fans.
Cloud121 said:
Checking in after over a year. Is it just me, or is this the most active thread on the site?

Picked up Sonic All-Stars Racing for Wii U at launch, and it's easily my favorite game of the launch crop. Just one big love letter to us fans.

Sweet. Still into console gaming? I'm done with it except for the classics. Most of which I play on my android phone. Probably a few years or so away from Saturn emulation at least.

I have a PS3, but use it only for netflix anymore.
cww80 said:
Sweet. Still into console gaming? I'm done with it except for the classics. Most of which I play on my android phone. Probably a few years or so away from Saturn emulation at least.

I have a PS3, but use it only for netflix anymore.

I'm more or less in the same boat. I own both a 360 (two, actually) and a PS3, but I really only use one of the 360's for Kinect & Netflix in my living room, and the PS3 for Netflix and as a blu-ray player in my man-cave. I occassionally buy games now and again, which has resulted in a stack of -- unopened games. Somehow I actually managed to have two in the stack of the same game, both unopened, not on purpose.

Frankly at the end of the day, these days I'm really just looking to zone out for a little bit before I go to bed for the night -- a movie or some TV generally fit the bill better. Unfortunately reading books has ended up in the same boat as videogames for me, they're just too engaging when I'm trying to wind down for the day.