How to get my Dreamcast on the net?

Two ways. The stock PAL DC's have a 33.6K modem built in. You'd need a copy of Dreamkey 3.0 (or the US Planetweb 2.6 browser) and a dialup Internet account to connect. The second way is to find a broadband adaptor (not an easy or cheap task) for the DC and plug your DSL/Cable connection into that. You still need Dreamkey 3.0 or the US Planetweb browser.

Earlier revisions of Dreamkey do not support using ISPs other than the default ones, nor do they support BB connections. DK3 may not even support BB - someone else will have to get back to you on that.
There's a way to use the phone modem in the dreamcast hooked up to your computer's phone modem while havng your computer hooked up to broadband. Basically it goes through your computer to access the internet. I've never tried it, and the instructions looked really complicated, but it supposedly worked. If you really want, i can try to find those instructions again.
The problem with that method is that there are two kinds of Dreamcast modems, and it only works for one of the two. It's all because the one type of modem is incapable of doing what is called a "blind dial", in that it attempts to dial despite not detecting a dial tone.

Since you will not get a dial tone if you connect your Dreamcast to your PC's modem, if you have one of the "newer" Dreamcast modems, this method won't work. There is no way to tell which type of modem you have, aside from either testing this method yourself, or ripping the modem apart and examining the insides.
I recall a tutorial somewhere about connecting the DC via a PC, and they had a section on building a small box that can generate a dial tone.