I'm not the original Saturn Utena

Like I said, I'm not the original Saturn Utena, he/she was a loser, I am instead, a new person on the scene, who followed the original Saturn Utena (who did nothing I'll tell you), so, I've taken his/her name and I at least know SOME C, but my projects aren't going to be a full port of a game (yet), they will be like what many other people do with console games, translation patches. Go to the NEW Saturn Utena site at http://saturn_utena.tripod.com/

And have fun.
So, it seems like Saturn Utena is a popular name. I wonder why i haven't seens any Sailormoon-based nicks? After all Sailor Saturn _is_ supposed to be the coolest senshi of the pack 😛
I was going to use a Sailor Moon based name (I'm a HUGE fan, check my website, I actually give out my REAL name on it, check out the news on Sailormoonuk, I'm the one who proposed to MVM-International that they should release the show on video), but, as 'Saturn Utena' wasn't doing anything, and I'm a big fan of Utena aswell, I thought I'd take his/her name.

heres a graphic I originally created (note, Sailor Saturn IS the coolest).

I was thinking about taking Sailor Saturn (or Sailor Uranus, because, well, it's funny to me) as a nick back in the ezboard days but I'm a guy and "Sailor" anything sounds kinda, well, ya know... 🙂

No offense to all you guy moonies out there, it's just not for me 😉

Saturn Utena: you really shouldn't be using that nickname as it has some obvious mixed connotations. Also it can (and undoubtably will) confuse stupid n00bies, hehe.
I totally agree, so to keep the Saturn Utena type of theme, here's a new name, tell me what you think?

'Ohtori of Saturn'.

Note: the site will still contain my name as Saturn Utena, the other dude was such a liar, that, hey, why not take his name? (I thought it was cool, not as fruty as Sailor Saturn, plus I'm a fan of Utena and Sailor Moon), so I chose the name Saturn Utena (well stole), but if this helps, I can go by this name to end confusion (I doubt Saturn utena will show it's face again soon)
Quote: from TakaIsSilly on 4:34 am on Oct. 18, 2001

So, it seems like Saturn Utena is a popular name. I wonder why i haven't seens any Sailormoon-based nicks? After all Sailor Saturn _is_ supposed to be the coolest senshi of the pack 😛

nah, Sailor Uranus is the coolest of the pack 🙂
Quote: from RadSil on 6:05 pm on Oct. 19, 2001

I was thinking about taking Sailor Saturn (or Sailor Uranus, because, well, it's funny to me)

exactly, how does it sound funny to you? if you're pronouncing it Sailor yer-anus, then, that's not how's it pronounced. It's pronounced Sailor yer-in-is. Sailor Uranus.
if i remember correctly , didn't Saturn Utena said some guy, or company was going to make something called

saturn 2 , that would have upgrade spec from the saturn, is was some sort of device that u plug in,or was it a complete new system, that play the saturn?cant remember. And always said that their building a website

about it. And that was like when ps2 came out. That guy was full crap!! with all his lies and than disappearing on us.I think the last post was that he was

busy working on converting ff7, and he said that he had something going.And that was last time I heard

about him.
Yeah I remember that post, on the old forum.

The website never opened and the only news we heard was from 'Saturn Utena' (can't we just call him/her 'IT'? As I will be taking the name Saturn Utena completely sometime you know).

It was a load of bull and we all know it. I can understand the VCD card, but a card that upgrades the enite system? Forget it.
Huhu, i like to annoy Utena fans with the wonderful translation enokifilms do... Those are the suggested names only, the scripts sent to the subbing industry have both the "suggested" names and the originals, and by rule everyone goes for the originals. 😛
Quote: from Cloud121 on 4:25 pm on Oct. 20, 2001

exactly, how does it sound funny to you? if you're pronouncing it Sailor yer-anus, then, that's not how's it pronounced. It's pronounced Sailor yer-in-is. Sailor Uranus.

I know that. But you _can_ pronounce it yer-anus 😉 That is, people will know what you're talking about if you say it that way... but you're right, I do say "yer-in-is" if I am referring to the planet.

This is deeper than the topic should be; I'm a decently intelligent person and that little "Sailor Uranus" comment was meant to be taken at face value 🙂
I can't speak for anyone else, but since Tripod and Angelfire are both owned by Lycos, maybe the same thing happened. I know that I can no longer access my Angelfire account. For some reason, they seem to think I never registered an account in the first place. People can still access my site, but it's essentially dead, which annoys me to pieces. The hassle or reuploading nearly 50 MB of files on a 56K connection is what gets me the most. 😡 And their "customer service" is nothing more than a program looking for specific words in your e-mail so it can send you a pre-written response. To be expected I guess, but frustrating none the less.

So anyway, did that happen to you too, or am I just the only unlucky one?
Well, many sites I use have had to relocate to a different server due to Tripod closing them down for no apparent reason. In fear for this (because my site is going to hold a patch you apply to game iso's you have to copy yourself) I have relocated and may change servers again (note I am also going to hold a rip of the DVD in DivX format for the anime Perfect Blue, it will be the dubbed one).