In Severe Need of Sega CD Help

Hi, I'm new to the Sega CD, but I can't get it to work. I have the correct and official power adapters for both the Sega CD and the Sega Genesis. At first, the system was not powering up, so I figured that I may had blown a fuse in the Sega CD system and followed some instructions I found on a web-site . I checked the continuity of the adapter to the Sega CD after opening it up with a digital volt meter and it seemed as if none of the fuses were broken, so I did not replace it.

Shortly after, I read about cleaning the connecting tray and slots with an eraser/rubbing alcohol, so I tried that too. Still no luck. My genesis system will boot up fine, but my Sega CD is not responding at all. Is there a problem with my genesis, or is there something that I'm missing about the Sega CD? I have never assembled one before, so I'm not sure if I'm doing everything correctly.

Please help, this has been a problem for me for the past week and I am extremely frustrated.

-Alucard X
Originally posted by Alucard X@Jul 22, 2003 @ 02:08 PM

I bought it from a video game store on Yahoo! shopping named Jersey Games, it seemed reliable...

Have you tried emailing them?
Yes, I've tried e-mailing them, they don't know what's wrong.

I was thinking that even though my digital volt meter told the voltage of the fuse, that something still may be screwed up with the ampage. I don't have an ampage reader, do you think that the ampage may be the problem?
Try (TEMPORARILY) bypassing the fuse with a piece of wire and wraping it around the two "legs" of the fuse. See if that solves the problem. The fuse is the little green sausage like thing that's right beside the power connector on the board. If the system powers up after you bypassed the fuse then the fuse is bad and you can replace it with any 1amp fuse. If not email the seller and complain.
I have been trying to get my Sega CD to work still, but no luck. I opened it up and tried to find the fuse labelled "F301" (I read how to fix fuses on but I couldn't find it anywhere. I'm not sure if I have a screwed up Sega CD, but I searched the entire board and could not find F301.

Also, I need to know how to follow the power through the circuit board. What steps are needed? I have a Sega CD 2 model, model number mk-4102A. Is there a trouble shooting guide for it?

Please help.

*edit* Actually, I just read the manual I downloaded for it and it says that I need to screw down the metal plate to the back of genesis, which I did not do. Is that maybe the problem?
are we talking about a model 1 sega cd or model 2? model 1 is the one on top of the other kind, model 2 is side by side. I have a model 2 and my genny is not screwed down to the plate and it still works fine.
i remember (with my model 1 genny and seag cd at least) if you dont have the two systems connected all the way neither will power up. took me the better half of a day to not be so gentle when pushing things together 🙂
I have no metal plate between my Mk1 Mega Drive and Mega CD, and sometimes they come loose and the Mega CD won't boot up. Sometimes I need to reconnect the two several times before I can get it to work. :ph34r: