Its raining in my kitchen


Established Member
So my electricity goes out, i go running to my fuse box to see the problem, and i here rain. "Hmmm, sounds like a windows open during this storm" i think to myself and i go looking for an open window. Nope, not the back sliding glass door, not the bathroom window what about the only other window in my house, the kitchen. Treck, treck, treck to the kitchen i go and to my surprise my kitchen is now has a built in swimming pool, just dont turn on the stove.

And the window was closed...
if you have renters insurance just claim that things got f'd up because of the rain and get some money out of it

improvise a tarp funnel for the water that'll drain to a more favorable area
Well at least it's your kitchen. You could probably do what Joe said and get it going in your sink or something.