Ivan is approaching


Established Member
well I'm in Pensacola (15 miles north of the beach though) and Ivan is coming right for us (give or take)

wish me the best.

I'd appreciate any prayers too 😉
Originally posted by lordofduct@Sep 14, 2004 @ 09:47 PM

Heh, wont be that bad.... they hyped up frances to all hell. and it was a pussy.

And next thing you know...

Lord's dead...


RIP Da Magnifcent Dyldo
I could be, I could be. I just might be in the afterlife right now somehow connected to the web. It does feel that way, hrmmm, and if you only knew.
Originally posted by IceMan2k@Sep 15, 2004 @ 12:51 AM

Dude! Your gettin a dell!

"Dude! You're getting a BEATING!" - what my dad always said when he saw those idiotic Dell commercials before they fired that guy.
it's getting blustery and wet out here now.

and we're still not even close to the main part.

getting nervous....
I just can't help but see some irony that FLORIDA is under ATTACK by GOD'S WRAITH in an ELECTION YEAR!!!

I'm not trying to start any debate here (especialy since I don't even believe in "god" as the above statement would require). I'm just trying to see some humor in it all.
All of us here in florida feel that way.... we usually never get hit but once or twice in a whole season. weve got 3 in a row and we have a forth coming. This is just absurd
im talking with the other 2 hurricanes that came through... charlie and frances.

and also the forth one jeanne... we just getting wrecked on all sides.
Even though your are 15 miles away from the beach doesnt matter. And hurricane frances, the eye didnt even go over my city.ANd i was without pwer for 7days. So be prepared, you might not have electric for alooong time. it suucks!
STOP REMINDING ME.... my power went out for and hour yesterday. that sucked... i almost cried... my internet isnt even working uptimalamilyootaracoo (sp?) what the hell do i pay 50 bucks a month for god damn...
Originally posted by lordofduct@Sep 16, 2004 @ 01:31 AM

what the hell do i pay 50 bucks a month for god damn...

To fatten their wallets, of course. Derrrrrr! 😀

It's ok, I pay Adelphia $50 for then to randomly switch it from "Working" to "Broken" via the "Big Red Switch". They think it's funny. Just ask their techs, I haven't had one of them deny it yet.

"Oh, sir. It appear internet no worky in you area."

"No, really? You could have fooled me, what with the modem lights all off and the internet not working. Let me guess, you want me to try unplugging it and doing the I'm-A-Stupid-Moron-For-Doing-This dance, and then plugging it back in?"

"Ahh, you call before..."
HAHAHAHAHA, you have ADELPHIA... oooooooh, i hate them, thats why i dont use cable anymore. they are EVIL, but no i stepped up to god himself now, bellsouth... ohhh, grovel before the omnipotent bellsouth as we decide to randomly charge you for services you dont have.

call to bellsouth on my CELL, cause my phone doesnt work. this was a year ago at my old house.

ME "why is my phone not working and what is this 300 dollar charge?"

BS "sir that fee is for dsl for the last 6 months!"

ME "but i live in an area that doesnt HAVE dsl."

BS "your going to have to email us then sir."

ME "i would if my PHONE WORKED."

BS "but it says you have dsl sir."

isnt it great that their initials is BS.