Lunar Silver Star for Segacd

We have a place in Omaha called Gamers. It's only chain in town that sells used console stuff (Game Doctors was shut down by the FBI for modding systems, among other things). The main store, the only one that sells any good old stuff, has really gone down hill, but they have 3DOs and segacds and the occasional jaguar. I bought a Goldstar 3DO there yesterday, only to have it crap out on me (it could only play Flashback decently) and after looking at the 3DO forums here (thanks) I traded it for a Panasonic FZ-1. I decided what the hell and got a Segacd for my model 1 genesis. While the guy was getting the stuff, I noticed a segacd copy of Lunar Silver Star, used of course, for $37.56. Needless to say, I bought it. I'm in a collecting mood now and was wondering if this game was rare. I have the psx rereleases for SSS and Eternal blue and I thought "maybe this is worth getting and not downloading off the internet..." What do you guys think?
Originally posted by tsumake@Jan. 10 2003, 1:56 pm

We have a place in Omaha called Gamers. It's only chain in town that sells used console stuff (Game Doctors was shut down by the FBI for modding systems, among other things). The main store, the only one that sells any good old stuff, has really gone down hill, but they have 3DOs and segacds and the occasional jaguar. I bought a Goldstar 3DO there yesterday, only to have it crap out on me (it could only play Flashback decently) and after looking at the 3DO forums here (thanks) I traded it for a Panasonic FZ-1. I decided what the hell and got a Segacd for my model 1 genesis. While the guy was getting the stuff, I noticed a segacd copy of Lunar Silver Star, used of course, for $37.56. Needless to say, I bought it. I'm in a collecting mood now and was wondering if this game was rare. I have the psx rereleases for SSS and Eternal blue and I thought "maybe this is worth getting and not downloading off the internet..." What do you guys think?

really,it is the most wide-spread-available-everywhere game for sega-cd.

But still you are lucky your own the original,so there's a reason to be proud!
Dark_Sol, I think tsumake is enquiring as to the rarity of the original, not the rarity of an iso/mp3 or bin/cue rip.

Collectors tend to buy games rather than download them.
Originally posted by mal@Jan. 11 2003, 7:50 am

Dark_Sol, I think tsumake is enquiring as to the rarity of the original, not the rarity of an iso/mp3 or bin/cue rip.

Collectors tend to buy games rather than download them.

Amen. You know, there's nothing like playing Gunstar Heroes on a genny, even if you're playing through a crappy rf cable. Pure bliss.
Speaking of Gunstar Heroes, I was playing that a lot yesterday. But really, how much quality could you possibly gain by using RCA on a Genesis? As long as you don't daisy-chain a buncha cables off the composite connector, you'll be fine.

I don't think Lunar 1 is that rare for Sega CD, since many people who had a sega cd at that time bought Lunar, and practically everyone who bought Lunar 1 bought Lunar 2
. It's still fairly valuable, not quite that much usually, but still valuable since it is such a good game. I really wish they didn't tamper with Lunar 1 and 2 so much in the remakes! No more random battles, waaagghh!
Originally posted by Spartikcus@May 2, 2003 @ 09:17 AM

I find it hard as hell to find ***** * ISO's I only have ***** *, ***, ***** ** and ******* ***** **.

If anyone know where to get it please me message.


It had been quite a while too...

No Requests <_<
Originally posted by Nannette82@Mar 9, 2003 @ 10:14 PM

Which Version did ya get? There are...what...6 or 7?

Versions of what, Lunar? They have different CD art, thats about it...