Greeting everyone. I've been a lurker for many years. Just decided to register to say hello.
Posting is new to me as I lurk everywhere and in the past I just pot shot funny posts on social media.
Wanted to say thank you to the community. I have learned so much about the saturn and programming in general thanks to everyone. I am in awe at the dedication and quite frankly the genius that people on this forum display.
Everybody plays a part so I will try not to go into personally thanking everyone for their contributions.
I have read so much SH2 assembly that I know that 4FFE is the devil.
Proud that I can use the Sgl_HelloWorld template and run old .COF and .bin files on an emulator with some minor makefile + (.incbin) adjustments.
Don't mind the moniker/name it does not reflect my personality, just an old nickname I got from beating a friend in Madden 64 (yes I'm old).
Kept it because my youtube has the same name. No coding yet, just tekken 7 videos.
I am interested in making a game eventually but always get side-tracked on the elusive run burn cd-r's without pseudosaturn (thanks cafe-alpha, cyberwarriorx and jhl).
While VDP1 is not the greatest I would like to implement a non SGL/SBL version that hits its theorectical 16380 command tables, drawing 8 x 8 "objects", in 704 X 480 (maybe) with 8bit color, filling at 0.0066 seconds. That should be 60fps and without possible DMA and jump back that could hit the theoretical 982800 "objects" per second limit.
I get long-winded so I'll wrap it up.
Just wanted to say thanks and I really appreciate everyone sacrifice and dedication here.